Oregon Source Marterials Index
Oregon Constitution

Article 1 Section 2
Article 1 Section 3
Article 1 Section 7
Article 4 Section 23
Article 7 Original
Article 7 Amended
Article 18 Section 7 Article 18 Section 7

Oregon Revised Statutes

133.005 "Peace Officer" means ... constable,
133.020 "Justice of the Peace" may issue Warrants

Oregon Case Law Citations

Madden v Crawford: showing "State Ex Rel" wing "State Ex Rel" & "Quo Warranto" Power
Madden v Crawford: showing Legislatively Created Courts
U.S. F. & G. Co. Vs Bramwell:
                        Linking the "Dictates of Conscience" mentioned in Article 1 Section 2 of the Oregon Constitution to the "Commto the "CommonLaw".