"De facto: In fact, in deed, actually.
This phrase is used to characterize an officer, a government,
a past action, or a state of affairs
which must be accepted for all practical purposes, but is illegal
or illegitimate.
Thus an office, position or status existing under a claim or color
of right such as a de facto corporation.
In this sense, it is the contrary of de jure, which means
rightful, legitimate, just or constitutional.
Thus an officer, king, or government de facto is
one who is in actual possession of the office or supreme power,
but by usurpation, or without lawful title; while an officer,
king, or government de jure is one who has just claim
and rightful title to the office or power; but has never
had plenary possession of it, or is not in actual possession.
Black’s Law Dictionary ; 5th Edition,
1979, West Pub. Co., St Paul Minn.