Welcome to the “Read Me” Web-Page
for Brown-County, Texas, USA.

We are glad to be communicating with you; & we do hope that we can establish a Working-Relationship with you,
in our mutual-efforts to Restore Accountable & Responsive Government at our Local City, County, State, & National levels.
The best introduction to this over-all project is available through the web-link here:

Please at least make a sincere attempt to Read & Comprehend
the propositions being presented in the Above Web-Linked Document
before you contact your Local Community Organizers with questions or comments.

The larger Reason Why most of us believe that this effort is Extremely Important
is explained in an accompanying web-page & document, here:

A very rough-draft of an incomplete document which generally out-lines
the Powerful Legal Tools of a Commercial Nature,
& which are Lawfully Available to the Elected Leaders of our new & Responsibly Self-Governing Local Communities,

& through which we intend to promptly start producing “Economic Prosperity
for All Socially-Responsible Members of these Local Communities, is described in the web-link here:

All of the above linked documents are available under the general directory here:

We expect soon to get the “Economic Prosperity” document updated to a more respectable presentation;
& all of these documents, along with their supportive citations documents,
& all newly updated versions of all of these documents,
should be soon available under the last general web-linked directory above.

Once you have at least made a sincere effort at reading & comprehending the first web-linked document above,
& if you are now sufficiently confident in this effort to commit
reasonable amounts of your precious time & energy resources to
this powerful local community building & empowerment project;
then, please go directly to the main web-page directory, here:

Here-under; the first, most basic, & entry-level document which you will need to read, comprehend, fill-out, & sign;
is our “Oath of Office for Qualified Elector”; which is available, here:

As you can see under the parent directory, this document is also available in a form which can be easily edited,
in order to make minor changes which might be more comfortable with your own religious, spiritual, or philosophical preferences;
& which the other Electors in your Township Community will likely find both Reasonable & Acceptable.

If you might be of an even more courageous spirit,
& sufficiently aware of the evils described in the second above-linked “Notice of Treason” document,
so that the well-informed Qualified Electors in your Township Community
can reasonably feel confident that you will not cower at the first potential for danger;
then, you might next consider signing also the second of the three above-linked documents,
which is our “Oath of Office for Town Constable”,
which is our ground-floor & entry-level “Peace Officer” document; & which is available here:

If you might be of an even more courageous spirit,
& sufficiently aware of the evils described in the second above-linked “Notice of Treason” document,
& sufficiently intelligent to comprehend the essential-elements of
American Constitutional “Due Process of Law”, aka Texas & Oregon Constitutional “Due Course of Law”;
& there-under to provide the Town Constables of your Precinct with a Reasonable Feeling of Confidence
that You can Defend Their Legitimate Use of Lawful Force in ‘Keeping the Peace
then, you might next consider signing also the third & most powerful of the three above-linked documents,
which is our “Oath of Office for Justice of the Peace”;
& which, so long as you Scrupulously Conform with Constitutional Due-Process-of-Law,
will give you Legitimate Authority to take your Hundred-Man/Posse-Comitatus Army, Any-Where,
& Arrest Any-One, Absolutely. ... That document is similarly available, here:

We do comprehend that you might first want to communicate with
some of the flesh & blood people involved in this local community building effort;
& here-under, we provide the following:

Your Local Central-Texas Super-County Community-Organizing Leader, is: Charles Stewart;
who may be reached at: Charles@ConstitutionalGov.us, or at: 325-232-0241;
& who receives signature pages in mail, at: 1117 North Neches Street, in Coleman Texas [76834].

Your even more Local Brown-County Temporary Leader, is: David Walker;
who can be reached at: JinjaTheNinja@protonmail.ch

Only a copy of the completed & signed ‘signature-page’ is really needed for the above two-page documents;
& these may also be scanned & emailed to Charles or David.