UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN, Hon., Chief Judge Robert Jonker Jason James Goodwill, Grievant/Crime Victim/ TH Petitioner/Claimant 47 Delta County Circuit Court Case No. 16-FH-9339 and, Escanaba’s 94th District Court , Next Friend acting on behalf of Case No. 16-FY-368 Grievant/Crime Victim/Petitioner/Claimant PETITION v. (Rule 17, 28 USCA) FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS STATE OF MICHIGAN and COUNTY OF DELTA MOTION TO SHOW CAUSE CITY OF SHEBOYGAN SHEBOYGAN POLICE DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR COUNTY OF SHEBOYGAN IMMEDIATE CITY OF ESCANABA CONSIDERATION 94TH DISTRICT COURT TH ON 47 DELTA COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE OF REMOVAL STEVEN DAVIS, Judge and for STEVEN PARKS, Judge DECLARATORY AND GLENN PEARSON, Judge INJUNCTIVE RELIEF JOHN ECONOMOPOLIS, Judge BY “MOTION TO VACATE PHIL STROM, Prosecutor AND/OR SET ASIDE” OF ED OSWALD, Sheriff ERRONEOUS STATE COURT DELTA COUNTY CORRECTIONAL “CONVICTION” JUDGMENT(S) FACILITY Counter-Parties/Respondents, Jason James Goodwill c/o and Karen Phillips 1415 4th Ave. S. Escanaba, Michigan 49829 906-280-5369 This filing submits the DEMAND FOR A FEDERAL CRIMINAL GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION OF THE ALLEGATIONS AND EVIDENCE CONTAINED HEREIN 1(messages only) ____________________ COMES NOW Jason James Goodwill, a People of the United States, and, ... Next Friend, being also of the People, petitions the above-entitled court of record for a writ of habeas corpus to inquire into the cause of constructive custody and restraint of liberty of said Jason James Goodwill (hereinafter referenced as “Grievant/Crime Victim/Petitioner/Claimant”), (who is a People of the Republic of The United States of America and neither in the capacity of a citizen of the UNITED STATES nor a citizen of the STATE OF MICHIGAN, and who is not subject to the jurisdiction of the following “fiduciary custodians”: Bill Schuette, Fiduciary Attorney General for the STATE OF MICHIGAN G. Mennen Williams Building, 7th Floor 525 W. Ottawa P.O. Box 30212 Lansing, Michigan 30212 517-373-1110Phil Strom, Fiduciary Prosecuting Attorney for the COUNTY OF DELTA 310 Ludington St. Escanaba, Michigan 49829 906-789-5100 Glenn Pearson, Chief Fiduciary Judge for the 94TH DISTRICT COURT 310 Ludington St. Escanaba, Michigan 49829 906-789-5106Steven Parks, Fiduciary Judge for the 94TH DISTRICT COURT 310 Ludington St. Escanaba, Michigan 49829 906-789-5106 Attn: John Economopolis, Ed Oswald and Phil Griebel Fiduciary Judge for the Fiduciary Sheriff and 47TH CIRCUIT COURT Undersheriff for Delta County 310 Ludington St. 310 Ludington St. Escanaba, Michigan 49829 Escanaba, Michigan 49829 906-789-5103 906-789-5100 2 Steven Davis, Fiduciary Judge for the 47TH CIRCUIT COURT 310 Ludington St. Escanaba, Michigan 49829 906-789-5103 John Economopolis, Fiduciary Judge for the 47TH CIRCUIT COURT 310 Ludington St. Escanaba, Michigan 49829 906-789-5103 Ed Oswald, Fiduciary Proprietor Delta County Correctional Facility 111 N. Third St. Escanaba, Michigan 49829 906-789-5100 The above entities, named as “Counter-Parties” in this case, are otherwise under employ as “officers” of the State, as opposed to their being natural persons who are not under such employ. As such, these officers are absolutely duty-bound bound 1 , to observe and to act 2 , in accordance with the necessary aspects of the Law of Nations. 3 1 These types of absolute duties attach fiduciary obligations, as well as enunciated rights in America, to positions – not people – of power and authority. “[T]he contractual obligation to act in good faith is like fiduciary obligation, which...focuses on parties’ positions after their relationships have been established.” DeMott, Deborah. Beyond Metaphor: An Analysis of Fiduciary Obligation. Duke Law Journal, Vol. 1988; 879 (p.893) citing Weinrib, The Fiduciary Obligation, 25 U. Toronto L.J. 1, 1-3 (1975), (“fiduciary obligation looks to parties' relative positions following, not preceding, their agreement”) The DeMott article was located on 7/23/16 at: http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1284&context=fac ulty_scholarship See also, Callahan, Hana. Public Officials as Fiduciaries. Published May 31, 2016 by the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics; as found on 7/23/16 at: https://www.scu.edu/ethics/focus-areas/government-ethics/resources/public- officials-as-fiduciaries/ “The relationship between public officials and the public has been described by scholars as fiduciary in nature. (See e.g. Rave, 2013; Leib, Ponet & Serota, 2013; Ponet & Lieb, 2011; Natelson, 2004)....[W]hen we refer to public officials, we are referring to all public actors, be they elected, appointed or hired.” “Government Ethics refer to the unique set of duties that public officials owe to the public that they serve. These duties arise upon entering the public work force either as an elected representative, an appointed official, or a member of government staff....Fiduciary relationships [can] include those of the attorney/client, trustee/trust beneficiary...and...public official/citizen relationship[s]...The public delegates governing authority to public officials to exercise discretion over the public treasury and to create laws that will impact their lives. The public official, once elected, appointed, or hired, is in a superior position to that of the individual citizen due to specialized governmental knowledge and the ability to advise, deliberate, and participate in the 3Counter-parties are those believed and/or known to be incarcerating Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill, against his own will, at the location owned and/or operated by the Counter-parties known as the “Delta County Correctional Facility” located at 111 N. Third St. Escanaba, Michigan 49828. Telephone: (906) 789-5100. LAW OF THIS CASE AS COMMON GROUNDS FOR RELEASE representative process. And finally, the public trusts that the public official will act in the public’s best interest.” “According to U.S. constitutional historian Robert Natelson many delegates attending the constitutional convention of 1787 advocated for a fiduciary form of government, including James Madison and Alexander Hamilton....Natelson notes that the concepts of fiduciary government were also held by the states charged with ratifying the new convention.” 2 Chitty, Joseph. The Law of Nations or Principles of the Law of Nature Applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns, 6th American Ed. T. & J.W. Johnson, Law Booksellers. (1844); (p. lvi) “[P]ursuant to the law of nature itself, there result, in many cases, very different obligations and rights; since the same general rule, applied to two subjects, cannot produce exactly the same decisions, when the subjects are different; and a particular rule which is perfectly just with respect to one subject, is not applicable to another subject of a quite different nature. There are many cases, therefore, in which the Law of Nature does not decide between state and state in the same manner as it would between man and man. We must therefore know how to accommodate the application of it to different subjects; and it is the art of thus applying it with a precision founded on right reason, that renders the Law of Nations a distinct science.” (Citations omitted). 3 Chitty; supra, (pp. lviii – lix): “It follows, that the Necessary law of nations is immutable.” “Whence, as this law is immutable, and the obligations that arise from it necessary and indispensable, nations can neither make any changes in it by their conventions, dispense with it in their own conduct, nor reciprocally release each other from the observance of it. This is the principle by which we may distinguish lawful conventions or treaties, from those that are not lawful, and innocent and rational customs from those that are unjust and censorable.” (Bold emphasis.) 4The accompanying Attachment “A” is incorporated by reference as though fully stated herein. Additionally incorporated by reference as though fully stated herein is... “’Memorandum on Rights of We, The People’ to Assemble; to Local Governance; and to Withdraw ‘Consent’ Through State and Federal Jury Nullification; Through Grand Jury Presentments; Through Private Prosecutions; and Through Other Executions of Customary Laws of Commerce” as located publicly on the Internet at: http://cases.michigan.constitutionalgov.us/david- schied/2015_SchiedvJudgeKarenKhaliletalinUSDCEDM/083116_ 2ndCrimeReport2USAAttnyGeneralLynchonEvents_MagisCrime /Ex_B_MemorandumofPeoplesRights_Khalilcase.pdf JURISDICTION This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action under 28 U.S.C. § 1331, 1361, 2241 and 2243 and the Habeas Corpus Suspension Clause of the U.S. Constitution. This Court has further remedial authority pursuant to the Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. § 2001, et seq. Venue properly lies within the Western District of Michigan because a substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to this action occurred in the district. 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b). No petition for Habeas Corpus has previously been filed in any court to review Petitioner’s case. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Grievant/ Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant may prosecute a Writ Of Habeas Corpus to inquire into the cause of the restraint......................7 Notice of Case Removal to the USDC-WDM for Habeas Corpus For Good Cause.........................................................................................8 Just a smidgeon of the Evidence shows “good cause” for issuing a set aside of “conviction”, for a declaratory judgment, and for other injunctive relief in the form of a federal special grand jury investigation and arrest warrants......................................................20 The actual facts underlying the “Domestic Terrorism” resulted in the “framing” of crime victim Jason Goodwill for crimes he never committed..................................................................................23 Formal criminal complaints are delivered herein by attachment of Sixty-nine (69) official “AO-91” federal forms needing only the exercise of official duty and authorized signature and Order for a federal special grand jury investigation................................47 Grievant/Plaintiff/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill herein declares that he is no longer a national of the “UNITED STATES (INC.)” and swears his allegiance instead to the Government of the United States known as “The United States of America” .............................................................63 Request for relief under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and demand for remedy by Claims established under the Laws of Commerce...........................................................................................64 Referenced exhibits are accompanied by the following attachments: Attachments “A” through “I” which are also posted online at: http://cases.michigan.constitutionalgov.us/david- schied/2017_JasonGoodwillHabeasCorpus/ 6 GRIEVANT/PETITIONER/CRIME VICTIM/CLAIMANT MAY PROSECUTE A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS TO INQUIRE INTO THE CAUSE OF THE RESTRAINT 1. Application for a writ of habeas corpus shall be in writing signed and verified by the person for whose relief it is intended or by someone acting in his behalf. [28 USC Sec. 2242] 2. Every person unlawfully committed, detained, confined or restrained of his liberty, under any pretense whatsoever, may prosecute a writ of habeas corpus to inquire into the cause of such imprisonment or restraint. “In the United States habeas corpus exists in two forms: common law and statutory. The Constitution for the United States of America acknowledges the People’s right to the common law of England as it was in 1789. It does not consist of absolute, fixed and inflexible rules, but broad and comprehensive principles based on justice, reason, and common sense...” Miller v. Monsen, 37 N.W. 2d 543, 347, 228 Minn. 400 3. 28 USC 2243 (Issuance of writ; return; hearing; decision) states: “A court, justice or judge entertaining an application for a writ of habeas corpus shall forthwith award the writ or issue an order directing the respondents to show cause why the writ should not be granted unless it appears from the application that the applicant or person detained is not entitled thereto. The writ or order to show cause shall be directed to the person having custody of the person detained. It shall be returned within three days unless for good cause additional time, not exceeding twenty days, is allowed.” 4. United States Constitution, Article I, § 9. “The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended…” 7NOTICE OF CASE REMOVAL TO THE USDC-WDM FOR HABEAS CORPUS AND FOR GOOD CAUSE 4 5. Grievant/Crime Victim/Petitioner/Claimant Jason Goodwill herein acts within his right to invoke Article III § 2 5 of the Constitution for the United States, whereas the judicial power shall extend to all cases in law arising under the Constitution, and shall guarantee to every state in this union a Republican form of government as referenced in Article IV § 4, 6 and shall protect each of them against invasion of rights. Jurisdiction is therefore being Supreme Law of the Land under Article VI, Clause 2. 7 6. Grievant/Crime Victim/Petitioner/Claimant Jason Goodwill issues this instant “Notice of Removal” based upon his constitutional “backward-looking right-to- redress” claims, which are asserted under the First Amendment Petition Clause with Exhibits of Evidence that Grievant/Crime Victim/Petitioner/Claimant, as 4 Means for reasons which law and public policy recognize as sufficient warrant for removal, and such cause is “legal cause” and not merely a cause which the appointing power in the exercise of discretion may deem sufficient. State ex rel. Nagle v. Sullivan, 98 Mont. 425, 40 P.2d, 995, 998, 99 A.L.R. 321. 5 The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution,... 6 The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence. 7 Article VI. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. 8one of the People, is the crime victim of tyrannical forces constituting “domestic terrorism.” 7. Petitioner refers to the “Memorandum of Law...” on this topic of “’backward- looking right-to-redress’ claims under the First Amendment Petition Clause”, the contents of which is incorporated herein as if written herein verbatim in evidence of a “pattern and practice” being criminally implemented by usurpers of public office coercing the population and the policies and practices of legitimate government; and by which this reference document is publicly posted, as of the date of this filing, at the following Internet location: http://cases.michigan.constitutionalgov.us/david- schied/2015_SchiedvJudgeKarenKhaliletalinUSDCEDM/033116_PAGsSch ied&Squires_Joinderof-14- ClaimantsCrimeVictims/CoverFilingandMemorandumofLaw/Memorandu mofLawonBLACclaimsonJoinderClaimants_ALL.pdf (Bold emphasis) 8. The Court producing the “conviction” for which Grievant/Crime Victim/Petitioner/Claimant has been imprisoned was not a “court of record”, 8 8 A "COURT OF RECORD" is a judicial tribunal having attributes and exercising functions independently of the person of the magistrate designated generally to hold it, and proceeding according to the course of common law, its acts and proceedings being enrolled for a perpetual memorial. Jones v. Jones, 188 Mo. App. 220, 175 S.W. 227, 229; Ex parte Gladhill, 8 Metc. Mass., 171, per Shaw, C.J. See, also, Ledwith v. Rosalsky, 244 N.Y. 406, 155 N.E. 688, 689. ....7 Cal Jur 571 California Jurisprudence, Bancroft Whitney (1922), Page 580-581 9proceeded under color of laws 9 and incarcerating Grievant/Crime Victim/Petitioner/Claimant Goodwill un-lawfully, and without due process in a court of record, and through means of an indictment by a non-statutory and impartial Grand Jury; 10 9. Moreover, as the FACTS presented herein will demonstrate, Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill is a federal whistleblower, a federal RICO case victim, witness and informant, owed federal protections but denied such protections by state and federal fiduciary agents. This case stems from his having initially stumbled upon and reporting criminal corruption within the ranks of the Sheboygan, Wisconsin police department several years ago, being criminal racketeering and a conspiracy between local Anglo police officers – which was headed by “officer” John Winter 11 – to 9 [Black's Law 4th edition, 1891] -- The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right. [State v. Brechler, 185 Wis. 599, 202 N.W. 144, 148]. Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state, is action taken under "color of state law." (Atkins v. Lanning, 415 F. Supp. 186, 188) 10 Amendment V No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. 11 Winter’s treasonous escapades and the deliberate dereliction of those otherwise in authoritative positions for holding him civilly and criminally liable for his RICO 10remove a Hispanic mayor, Juan Perez, by framing his innocent young son for a crime he did not commit. In fact, the retaliation against Jason Goodwill, taking the form of being beaten, falsely imprisoned, and subsequently framed for numerous crimes by local Sheboygan police and corrupt judges, began immediately following Mr. Goodwill’s whistle-blowing report and presentation of evidence to Sheboygan’s former major Juan Perez. 10. Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill was originally listed as a “DOE”, being one of several “Plaintiffs” on a federal RICO lawsuit brought in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. That case number was 12-cv-1093. Subsequently, purportedly after the Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker or his agent released the confidential names of those crimes, has long been documented by the media, by Mr. Goodwill, and by the Wisconsin and United States courts. Such documentation dates at least as far back to at least 2007 with a blog site recording the development of a racist website between a local Sheboygan reporter, Jeni Reisinger, and John Winter, as found on 3/16/17 at: http://freedomeden.blogspot.com/2007/11/mayor-juan-perez-and- sheboygan-press.html ; and subsequently in 2008 with the publication of a photo of Perez that was digitally altered by Winters, “sparking allegations of racism” and with Winters “not be[ing] disciplined” as reported on 6/29/08 by the Associated Press in the LaCross Tribune as found on 3/16/17 at: http://lacrossetribune.com/news/state-and-regional/wi/sheboygan-officer-won- t-face-discipline-for-photo/article_18554719-3559-591a-a2c5- 8585fee94d76.html Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill’s story is told in his own words in a two-part documentary interview spotlighted by investigative reporter David Schied in his “RICO Busters” series found on YouTube with Part One and Part Two being respectively found on the Internet, as of the date of this writing, at the two URL’s of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQW5k- 0d8UA and: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gFrJnXm0A8 11“DOE” plaintiffs, a number of those federal plaintiffs died or fled the State of Wisconsin in fear and Plaintiff “DOE” was changed to reveal Mr. Jason Goodwill’s actual name. (See Attachment “B”) 11. Attachment “B”, being the cover page for a “Screening Order” from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, shows a federal RICO case that originally named “Plaintiff” Jason Goodwill as a “DOE”. This Screening Order reflects the FACT that, as this federal case had moved forward, increasing numbers of the “DOE” plaintiffs dropped out, until it was finally amended, at the request of Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill to be named and with an “in forma pauperis” filing status, with Mr. Goodwill being named as the sole remaining federal witness in that “racketeering and corruption” case against Sheboygan city government officials. 12. Though the Screening Order shows that Jason Goodwill’s case was dismissed as “frivolous” on 4/19/13, just a year later that very same federal “judge” Rudolph Randa was cited by the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit for having (once again) overstepped the bounds of his authority by ordering an injunction in another case for the return and destruction of contentious documents after a “Notice of Appeal” had been issued to that lower District Court on the case, a clear violation of court rules. (See again 12Attachment “B”) This shows another instance and the propensity of that “judicial usurper” to blatantly violate the federal rules of procedure to hide evidence of something controversial. Randa has since “retired” from the bench. 13. Since Randa’s dismissal of that RICO case, Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill has been fighting to reinstate the original charges that he and several others had levied against numerous officials of so- called “government” of Sheboygan for: a) Operating a “kangaroo court” (“conspiracy to deprive of rights under color of law”); b) False imprisonment; c) Tampering with a crime witness; d) Obstruction; and more. 14. The case of Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill is also froth with further controversy. For instance, the FACTS show that Mr. Goodwill was “discharged absolutely” from the Wisconsin Department of Corrections on or about 12/17/2012 with MAXIMUM DISCHARGE and with Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill having “no housing restrictions or requirements” and being a “FREE MAN WITH NO TIES TO THE DOC OR DCC” and being merely provided a “bus ticket” to anywhere within the state and nothing else. (See Attachment “C” containing: a) the “Discharge Certificate” for Jason J. Goodwill #561596-A; and, b) Letter dated 10/10/2012 addressed to Jason Goodwill from Tonya Lont specifying the terms for Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason 13Goodwill’s “Maximum Discharge” release, and clarifying that “it is up to [him] to find housing, etc.” and that he is “a free man with no ties to DOC or DCC”.) 15. Thus, according to the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling in Wisconsin v. Dinkins, (2012 WI 24) 2010 WI App.330 Wis, 2d 501, 794 N.W. 2d 236 (reversing judgment to the circuit court for Dodge County), this means that, if Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill was required to submit his information to the Sex Registry, “the DOC would have to find housing for him”, implying a fiduciary tie with the DOC, as reflected in WI DOC Directive 11-04 which states, “Lacking a residence is unacceptable as a supervision strategy. Every effort must be made...in establishing a residence if the offender is unable to propose available housing. Wis. Dep’t of Corrections Admin. Directive #11-04.” 16. Further, in 2013 Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill was previously extradited from Michigan to Wisconsin based upon the very same allegation and charge that he “failed to register” with the Sex Offense Registry. At the 1/31/2014 hearing, in the case of State of Wisconsin v. Jason J. Goodwill, Case No. 13-CF-360, as shown by transcript of that hearing (Attachment “D”), the prosecutor for that case, James Haasch, cited Wisconsin v. Dinkins (2012 WI 24) when recommending dismissal of this case. 1417. As shown in the final pages of the transcript (i.e., see Attachment “D”), at that time in court Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill had asked for a “dismissal with prejudice” but that Wisconsin judge declined stating his belief that future prosecutions in that jurisdiction on a similar charge, as what underlies the instant case(s) here in Escanaba, Michigan, would be “highly unlikely.” Yet, two and a half years later in 2016, the 94th District Court and 34th Circuit Court of Delta County, Michigan has erroneously “convicted” Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill on just such a similar charge of “failing to register”, without either court having the personal or subject matter jurisdiction to do so. 18. As a result of the Wisconsin court “finding” at the hearing on 1/31/14, the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access public database reflects that the charge of “Sex Registry Violation” was “dismissed on [the] prosecutor’s motion” and that Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant “Jason J. Goodwill is to be presumed innocent of the dismissed charges.” (Bold emphasis) See again, Attachment “D” (pages 1 and 2) for WCCA public database search results. 19. “Attorney Notes” on documents downloaded from the State of Wisconsin official website (Attachment “E”) pertaining to Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill reflect the following in support of Mr. 15Goodwill’s own videotaped testimony as found in the RICO Busters video publicly posted on YouTube: a) The “Defendant” (Jason Goodwill) was accused (by the “state” prosecutor) of allowing a person under the age of 18 of viewing pornographic photos; b) The accusation above was pursued despite “no physical evidence”; c) The (only) “Witness” statements used against Jason Goodwill at trial “conflicted” (with one another) “and [were] found Perjurious on 3 counts”; d) The police evidence (used against Jason Goodwill) was “tampered” as proven by a (forensic) specialist, Steve Odenthal; e) “Exculpation” (i.e., exculpated evidence withheld) “by the [Wisconsin] D.A. revealed criminal charges against [the] Hear-Say witness”; f) The “Witness [against Jason Goodwill] admitted to saying what cops told her to say in exchange for having charges [against her] buried”; g) The “Defendant” (Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill) is (i.e., was then and remains still now) a “witness to police crimes in [the] Sheboygan Webgate Scandal”; h) The “Defendant” (Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill) “was subjected to [a] Mock Trial”; i) The “Prosecution fabricated evidence, falsified documents, committed fraud, too [the] Defendant [Jason Goodwill] hostage, kidnapped [him] across state 16lines, falsely imprisoned [him], and subjected [him] to cruel and unusual punishment, in violation of due process, the Adam Walsh Act, the United States Constitution, WI State Con Article I section 4 and rulings of the Supreme Court, in order to Obstruct and retaliate against a witness/plaintiff in a R.I.C.O. suite, Goodwill v. City of Sheboygan”; j) “The defendant has never been duly convicted of a crime”; k) “The defendant was never subject to the conditions that Sheboygan attempted to impose”; l) “The defendant was released without remedy or relief of any type and the court refused to address the violations of the prosecutor. Under title 18 § 241, 242 and title 42 § 14141 criminal charges and an injunction have been filed against Sheboygan and its agents.” 20. Given the extensive history taking place alleging criminal racketeering and corruption in the federal district of the Eastern District of Wisconsin, Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill incorporates by reference the following additional state and federal court cases, as referenced by Evidence of their relational existence in Attachment “F”: a) Case No. 2008-CF-000067; Sheboygan County; “State of Wisconsin v. Jason J. Goodwill” (closed case); 17b) Case No. 2009-CF-000299; Sheboygan County; “State of Wisconsin v. Jason J. Goodwill” (closed case); c) Case No. 2012-IP-000028; Dodge County; “Jason Goodwill v. [UNNAMED] (Respondent)” (closed case); d) Case No. 2012-IP-000057; Dodge County; “Jason Goodwill v. [UNNAMED] (Respondent)” (closed case); e) Case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; “Jason Goodwill v. City of Sheboygan; Officer John Winter; Officer Joel Clark; Officer Jeff Johnson; Police Chief Kirk; Nicole Johnson; Art Diedrich; Judge Sutkiewicz; Joseph Dececco; Nathan Haberman; Joel Hermanski; Gary Langhoff; Mike Litke; and Eric Helmke”; (case dismissed and closed by federal district fiduciary “judge” Rudolf Randa) f) Case No. 2013-CF-000360; Sheboygan County; “State of Wisconsin v. Jason J. Goodwill” (closed case); g) Case No. 2016-CF-000628; Sheboygan County; “State of Wisconsin v. Jason J. Goodwill” (“filed only” case); 21. Given that the Michigan courts have determined Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill to be a “repeat” or “habitual” offender, without substantive evidence of that determination, request is established herein that for each the above previous cases for which adjudication was 18made and a judgment was rendered, that each of these cases be reopened and fully investigated for substantive and procedural and criminal wrongdoings. (Bold emphasis) 22. Evidence shows that, as has the pattern and practice of racketeering and corruption been the subject of controversy in the City of Sheboygan and the State of Wisconsin pertaining to Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill blowing the whistle on the underlying conspiracy to oust the Hispanic mayor of that city, so too has been the pattern and practice of the city, county, and state (and also federal) officials in criminally using “color of law” to continue the perpetuation of crimes against Mr. Goodwill as persistent ploys to keep him “on ice”, to keep his stories about “government corruption” suppressed through coercion, force and violence against him. Their aim has clearly been to keep raising the question of doubt about his lawful integrity rather than to allow the spotlight to shine on the lack of lawful integrity of those conspiring to commit crimes against him through “simulated legal proceedings”. (Bold emphasis) 23. Such Evidence of this pattern and practice of RICO crimes by Escanaba and Delta County usurpers of fiduciary offices of government follows the paper trail of formal and informal complaints issued by Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill along the way as he sought help in every 19direction at the level of the city, the county, the state, from private nonprofit, and even at the federal levels from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, from the USDOJ and from the U.S. Attorney General. These efforts, to date have all been to no avail except to document – as shown further below – such a “chain” pattern and practice of intentional dereliction, gross negligence, malfeasance, and other heightened forms “domestic terrorism” such as seen by kidnapping, false imprisonment, and other forms of coercion of population and legitimate government policies. (Bold emphasis) 24. For the above stated reasons, NOTICE therefore is hereby issued to these courts and all interested parties that Case No. 16-FY-368 in the 94th District Court of Delta County and its corresponding Case No. in the 47th Circuit Court of Delta County 16-FH-9339 are removed to the United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan for Habeas Corpus for cause. JUST A SMIDGEON OF THE FACTS AND THE EVIDENCE SHOWS “GOOD CAUSE” FOR ISSUING A SET ASIDE OF “CONVICTION”, FOR A DECLARATORY JUDGMENT, AND FOR OTHER INJUNCTIVE RELIEF IN THE FORM OF A FEDERAL SPECIAL GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION AND ARREST WARRANTS 25. Paragraphs 1-24 above are repeated herein and incorporated as if stated in this numbered paragraph verbatim. 2026. As the “pattern and practice” of government usurpers committing crimes have been document by Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill on the rare occasions he found such opportunity and the wherewithal to acquire writing materials and the intestinal fortitude to fight back on his own against these ongoing criminal injustices, there are numerous CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS that are presented herein as Evidence to also be incorporated herein as authentic accountings of the FACTS, as produced along with other credible Evidence. 27. The facts contained herein, being compiled and presented on the behalf of Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill by his Next Friend, summarize with the best of accuracy from the Evidence being presented, a proper accounting of exactly what has occurred to Mr. Goodwill by way of his being repeatedly defrauded, betrayed, beaten, falsely imprisoned, framed for conviction, and repeatedly detained, kidnapped, and falsely imprisoned again and again for years as a result of “domestic terrorists” usurping and inhabiting too numerous public offices in both Wisconsin and Michigan, as well as the federal District Court and “U.S. Department of Justice” that have continually 21covered up these horrible crimes by repeatedly “dismissing” these truthful Allegations and Evidence as delivered by Mr. Jason Goodwill dying efforts. 12 28. The Evidence being presented in Attachment “G”, consisting of numerous types of documents compiled in a plethora of referenced pages, were many of the documents either saved as documentary evidence, or created by Mr. Goodwill in the form of “Criminal Complaints”. Notably, these documents are to be considered “ledgers” for his “accounting” of the crimes against him, by those he has long been accusing as committing these crimes – against the public at large as well as against him – which ultimately demand proper Remedy. Thus, these documents predicate and adjoin Mr. Goodwill’s Claims of Damages in Commerce, for which remedy is herein demanded from each “person” through the surrender of associated individual and “blanket” performance bonds, “self-funded” insurance policies, third party “excess errors and omissions” insurance policies, “domestic terrorism” insurance coverage, through judicial impeachment proceedings, and through the demand for grand jury investigations and criminal indictments. 12 The fact is that Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill has two debilitating diseases, one being Lupus, which have been constantly exacerbated by each of these criminal instances and terrorist events against him. The criminals that have been perpetrating these events have long been literally “killing” him; and thus, because they have been aware of his medical condition while also depriving him of needed medication for long period, the people named by his criminal complaints should be brought up on charges of attempted murder and a conspiracy to attempted murder. 22The Actual Facts Underlying the “Domestic Terrorism” Resulting in the “Framing” of Crime Victim Jason Goodwill for Crimes He Never Committed 29. In 2007, Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill was living in the home of a woman by the name of Jennifer Reisinger, who was having an affair with a married Sheboygan police officer, John Winter. At that time, Reisinger, Winter and another police officer by the name of John Clark were secretly working together to operate a controversial website that was racially targeting the city’s first Hispanic mayor, Juan Perez. Winter, Clark and others of the Sheboygan police department were additionally at the time conspiring together to frame the mayor’s young son of a crime. Mr. Goodwill found out about these schemes when Reisinger asked him to fix her computer when it was acting up. He logged and copied the details of these unlawful schemes and took the Evidence he had collected from Reisinger’s computer to Mayor Perez who then brought the findings to the police who immediately retaliated against Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill by beating him, arresting him, and falsely incarcerating him for years while attempting to frame him for scores of fabricated crimes. In the meantime, Juan Perez left his position as mayor and left the state to ensure the security of his family. 2330. Evidence that John Winter and Reisinger were having an affair and operating a website racially targeting the Hispanic Sheboygan mayor is found on pages 1-2 of Attachment “G”, as a belated article in the Sheboygan Press dated 8/11/09. 31. According to the Evidence of page 3 of Attachment “G”, a “package of photos and documentation of the crimes being reported [by Rev. Jason Goodwill] on John Winter and Joel Clark” which were “verified [according to Senator Joe Liebham] for authenticity of the evidence and seriousness of the crimes”, were subsequently “passed on to the Internal Affairs investigator in Milwaukee and to the FBI” in 2007 by Senator Joe Liebham. This Evidence should eliminate any “plausible deniability” to all of these “government” officials to their culpability in the criminal cover-up of the RICO crimes reported to them by Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill, making them all also guilty of a “conspiracy to deprive of rights” (18 U.S.C. § 241) given other Evidence of follow up crime reports by Mr. Goodwill to these state and federal agencies in subsequent years. (Bold emphasis) 32. At least one page of the Evidence turned over to the Sheboygan mayor, et al in January 2008 is found on page 4 of Attachment “G”, which includes a note that Sheboygan police officer John Clark had “seized” and “destroyed” what Evidence Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill had accumulated in his home stemming from 2007. This was Evidence that, 24according to Mr. Goodwill’s handwritten notes, was obtained by Winter and other Sheboygan police officers during an “illegal search and seizure” of Mr. Goodwill’s property in a widespread effort of police officers to cover up the Sheboygan police department’s conspiracy to commit other crimes against Perez and his family. 33. The Evidence that on 8/10/09 Wisconsin BAR attorneys, being unfaithful to Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill in honoring the “authenticity of the evidence and seriousness of the crimes”, began mishandling the confidentiality of at least 23 pages of the “Web-Gate Scandal” cyper-crimes by the Sheboygan Police Department, is found in page 6 of Attachment “G”. 34. Once the Sheboygan police got wind about the Evidence of cyber-crimes and a scheme to criminally frame the mayor’s son that had been collected against them by Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill, a task force was mobilized to collect and suppress that Evidence at all cost, and by means of “domestic terrorism”, as spearheaded by John Winter himself, a desk police officer suddenly leading the invasion of Reisinger’s and Goodwill’s dwelling and several other homes. 35. The Evidence of that terrorism is found, beyond a reasonable doubt, in two letters written by “Jeni” Reisinger, one typed, signed and dated as 4/4/08 and the second being typed and signed as a “Confession” letter dated 3/22/09. Those 25letter pages, referenced herein as pp. 7-10 of Attachment “G”, detail the following: a) 4/4/08 Letter – That contrary to one of the many things that the Sheboygan police had fabricated as charges, being that Reizinger had claimed Mr. Goodwill had victimized her by “credit card fraud”, she had never filed such charges against Mr. Goodwill, and had – in fact – been solicited by the Sheboygan police in criminally establishing such charges instead, and she refused to do so. b) 4/4/08 Letter – That talk was about the area that Jason had “stashed” documents [or something] which were to be shuffled from one location to another for safekeeping and that Sheboygan Officer Winter and others were about town threatening people who they thought were associated with Mr. Goodwill. c) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – That Jennifer Reisinger was writing while believing that she would be killed by “Officer” Winter and/or his associates at the Sheboygan Police Department for writing out her confession to Jason Goodwill. d) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – That she met and began her relationship with “officer” John Winter in 2004 and was set up financially by Winter who was otherwise involved with Reisinger as an extramarital affair. 26e) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – That she operated the face of an Internet website by which Winters “leaked” information to her about the activities of high ranking public officials that were made to look “stupid;” and that Winter’s partners, Jeff Johnson, Joel Clark and Todd Priebee were instrumentally involved in leaking information about Mayor Juan Perez. The plan was to provoke Perez into doing something stupidly under public scrutiny. Further, Johnson and Priebee had a history and reputation of being ones operating from the Sheboygan Police Department “altering records and creating/destroying evidence to manipulate cases for John [Winter] and Joel [Clark].” f) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – That when Reisinger found herself in over her head and wanted out, she was threatened and blackmailed by Winter for years. She eventually resorted to a public lawsuit against Winter. It was shortly after she filed that lawsuit that she met Jason Goodwill, and began using him to suit her purposes against Winter. Soon after that, Winter and Clark began “watching” the residence where Reisinger lived and was providing Jason Goodwill with housing. According to Reisinger, Winter and Clark also concocted their plan to make Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill their personal “scapegoat” in reinforcing 27their message to Reisinger about retaliation about going public with the lawsuit involving the controversial website they all operated together. g) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – That she was aware at the onset of meeting Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill that he had debilitating and costly health problems, giving rise to his needing business opportunities and resources [such as the housing arrangement] which Reisinger provided to him in return for his unknowingly providing her with a sense of personal safety because of his size in stature. h) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – That having already undergone a previous lawsuit against his previous landlord, being a “slum lord”, and finding corruption prevailing in that court case, Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill had take special interest in the underpinnings of what Reisinger had shared with him from her computer as Evidence of rampant corruption operating throughout the government of Sheboygan, and he took the initiative himself to further investigate Reisinger’s case and the Internet attacks against Mayor Perez. i) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – That despite that “Internal Affairs” of the Sheboygan government were purportedly looking into Winter’s and his partners’ criminal escapades, they finally did nothing about these RICO crimes. 28j) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – That despite her friendship with Jason Goodwill, she was compelled to comply when directed by “these cops” to “bait” Jason to be a “a friend’s place” only to find Winter and his fellow thugs waiting for him. Reisinger stated, “They beat the shit out of him. I couldn’t stand any more and drove off. What was I to do, call the police?” k) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – For weeks later, all Reisinger had heard about Jason was Winter telling her that he would “never have to worry about Jason again.” Also, from the time of the initial beating and onset of what was to eventually become years of false incarceration, Winter and Clark engaged in a scorched earth-type of activity, attempting to get past computer passwords, confiscating all of Jason’s belongings, and destroying anything they could not use. l) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – That Winter and his fellow thugs had “run out of town” at least three associates and went forward to “destroy [Jason’s] life, his business, his reputation” while “framing” Reisinger herself for what they were doing to him (in terms of some of the initial criminal charges against Mr. Goodwill). That Winter and his criminal accomplices had “planted” and “manipulated” evidence against Mr. Goodwill, ensured that he got the worst public defense attorney that the state’s money could provide for him, and that they subsequently “buried” Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant 29m) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – That at one point Reisinger had refused to continuing “working with” Winter against Jason Goodwill; and, as a result she was “beaten for it.” Nevertheless, despite Winter threatening to “charge [Reisinger] with filing a false police report” if she did refuse to continue covering for his crimes, that did not happen. She was [only] beaten instead. n) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – That when Mr. Goodwill finally did get out and pay a visit to Reisinger’s home, Reisinger herself telephone the police to have him hauled off again because Winter had threatened that if he found them together again he would kill them both. o) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – That though she sympathizes with Jason Goodwill, her bigger concern was that Mr. Goodwill intended to openly testify at civil proceedings then taking place in the City of Sheboygan pertaining to the acts committed against him by the Sheboygan police and about Reisinger’s conspiracy with Winter against Perez at the hearings taking place then with regard to the Internet website and their public racist attacks against Perez. 30p) 3/22/09 “Confession” Letter – That because she only expected that Winter and his team of domestic terrorists may next come after her, she was immediately packing up, leaving, and going into long-term hiding. 36. Reisinger’s assertions regarding the intimidation, harassment, and outright terrorism being carried out against the friends and associates of Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill is supported by other victims of the John Winter and his band of Sheboygan “terrorists” acting under the usurped authority of fiduciary “peace officers”. Thus three additional letters are presented herein as written by “Dave S.”, Tony Scheinola, and Borger mentioning the names of others subjected to that domestic terrorism, which support Reisinger’s “confession” statements that the acts of the Sheboygan “police” were so threatening that people left the City of Sheboygan because of that fear. pp. 11-13 of Attachment “G” a) The letter from “Dave S.”, dated 2/20/08 and addressed to “Jason” affirms that “Detective Clark and Officer Winter have been making very unpleasant visits” using an email list obtained from their unlawful seizure and confiscation of Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill’s computer and other private property. The names of “Mike B.”, “Terri” (more likely “Terry” being referenced as a male), “Marty”, and “Jeni” are all mentioned as others besides Dave being threatened in such 31fashion. “Dave’s” letter states that Mike had already left town and Terri was planning to leave. He also reaffirms Jeni’s “confession” that she was forced to work with “Winter/Clark/Preibe/Johnston” in a conspiracy against Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill. b) The letter from Tony Scheinola, dated 2/28/08 and addressed to “Jason” affirms that “the cops”, mentioning Winter and Clark by name elsewhere in the letter, had “turned [his] place upside down”, seized property, and destroyed property while claiming that “[Jason Goodwill] was a “Terrorist! Rapist! Murderer!” and threatening that if anyone ever spoke with either Jason or Jennifer again they would “very much regret it”. He ended the letter stating, “I am sorry but I don’t ever want to see you or Jennifer again.” c) The letter from Andrew “T.” Borger, dated 3/2/09 and addressed to Sheboygan police officer Joel Clark, refers to the person the Wisconsin prosecuting attorney ended up using to “convict” Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill of the so-called “sex crime” for which he is currently being falsely imprisoned for a “sex registry violation.” Mr. Borger’s letter reads as follows, “I, Andrew T. Borger, have meet (sic) and know of many different things that; (sic) April Seymour has done to get ‘attention’/drugs. She had an account with, TeenSluts.com, Lil-Mama-Luvs-Cum.com, as well as an account on the website (coke-on-cock porn pics), AdultFriendFinder.com. On each of these sites she has pictures that would described as sexually (blow jobs, gang bang) explicit. I have seen her hit on men telling them she was of age. She has a history of use of 32marijuana (pot). She is know (sic) to myself and all of my friends as a lier (sic) and will try to get others in trouble, even if it means she pergers (sic) herself.” 37. The significance of Mr. Borger’s statements about the person named as “April Seymour”, a.k.a. “Lil Mama”, are profoundly important since Seymour was not only the “star” witness used by the Sheboygan prosecutor to erroneously “convict” Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill of a “sex crime”, she was the state’s ONLY witness. Importantly, the Evidence suppressed by the state should have otherwise discredited her testimony, being lewd photos and statements that Seymour herself was found to have posted on the websites referenced by Mr. Borger, as well as other “sex-soliciting” websites, as presented herein by Evidence included in pp. 14-18 of Attachment “G”. 38. The Internet web pages captured and presented as pp. 14-18 of Attachment “G” present the following details about Seymour, as believed to be propagated directly by her to these public websites: a) Attachment “G” page 14 – As posted on “badassteens.com” with eight photos of April Seymour smoking a cigarette and exposing her cleavage along with several lewd photos of other women that have been digitally altered for censoring of explicit shots of genitals and sex acts, the text describing April Seymour on this pages states, 33“I love to drink, smoke, fuck, eat pussy, and ride cock. The more the better. I’m 5’4, 38D-28-32 by-sexual. I have been in several porn films since 2007. I live in Wisconsin, USA. Come see me at my pornsite. Leave me a message. Maybe I’ll reply.” b) Attachment “G” page 15 – This is a page from the webpage of “adultfriendfinder.com” with a single photo of April Seymoure in a lineup of other young women, showing Seymour to be advertising herself as a “Sex Partner” age 24. c) Attachment “G” page 16 – This is the webpage of “Lil-mama-luvs- cum.html” with five photos of the state prosecutor’s only witness against Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill, April Seymour. On this webpage, touted as “The World’s Best Porn Site!”, Seymour posts her age as being 24. Her “Pornstar Biography” reads as follows: “Hate my live.(sic) Love to fuck! Bi-sexual. Group sex. Available for price $$$ Getting a tattoo soon hell yea! Yahoo-babygirl_angel_2012@yahoo.com msn- priseymour@hotmail.com aim-priseymour@aol.com cumguzzler@teenpornstars.com d) Attachment “G” page 17 – This is a webpage is titled “Drunken teen orgies” featuring ten photos of April Seymour, some of which are redacted of explicit sexual content but nevertheless feature a woman of Seymour’s description engaged in sex acts with multiple partners. The captioning of the page reads, “Teen Slut presents – April Seymour and Friends” e) Attachment “G” page 18 – This is a webpage at “Friendster.com” with five photos of April Seymour showing her “profile” as being 23 years of age in 34Milwaukee. This time she promotes herself as a “Bi-sexual, ex-porn star, still looking for a good time with fun friends.” 39. The FACT is that, in the pattern and practice that Seymour had represented herself publicly to be “over the age of majority”, April Seymour had signed a modeling contract with Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill, while referencing her “Lil Mama” stage name and representing the same. (See p. 19 of Attachment “G”.) 40. Additionally supporting the contention that April Seymour’s testimony as “victim” of any sex crime perpetrated by Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill is prima facie “perjured” and generated by her participation in the conspiracy of crimes perpetrated against him by the Sheboygan usurpers of fiduciary “law enforcement” in Wisconsin acting as “domestic terrorists” is found on pp. 20-28 of Attachment “G” 41. The pages of 20-28 of Attachment “G” were transcript pages of a Sheboygan court hearing that were salvaged by Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill somehow during his many periods of being physically abducted and falsely incarceration. These pages begin on page three with a discussion by Jason Goodwill’s attorney “Mr. Nehls” as addressed to the “judge” and alongside the prosecutor of that case, “Mr. Haberman”. The conversation was regarding the incredibility of the prosecutor’s “victim/witness” April Seymour 35pertaining to the numerous conflicting and apparently “perjured” statements delivered by her against Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill, which include the following significant points of factual contention: a) Attachment “G” page 20 – In the margin of the header area of this page is a note, presumed to be written by Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill after obtaining these pages and reflecting upon the content of the statement, referencing a “second report” by an arrow drawn to the words of his representative attorney Nehls and stating that the prosecution had not surrendered the document upon discovery request. The handwritten note refers to this “second report” as a document containing reference to “April’s [Seymour] charges of prostitution, drug use, under-aged drinking, and being a runaway” being “dropped when she agreed [with Sheboygan police and prosecutors] to testify and the arrest report was replaced.” The content of Nehl’s paragraphed statement in open basically implicates April’s mother, Laura Seymour, as having proffered “lying” testimony while “trying to paint a picture that she’s not a bad kid, or it’s not her fault.” b) Attachment “G” page 21 – This second of nine pages of court transcripts shows attorney Nehls continuing by asking the prosecution why they have not turned over the “second report”, implying that the prosecution is trying to hide something. Nehls moves on in summarily reviewing the preceding 36events that had taken place in open court, detailing one of multiple instances in which April Seymour was caught lying under direct testimonial questioning under oath by stating, despite her signature being on the modeling contract (see above reference to p. 19 of Attachment “G”) that she claimed not to ever having known Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill by any other name than “Greg Zumwalt.” c) Attachment “G” page 22 – As Nehls continues in open court, he points out to the “kangaroo court” (i.e., the term used by Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill when referring to the judicial usurper leading the domestic terrorism that led to his being ultimately denied of constitutional guarantees and railroaded into a “conviction” by that court), that the modeling contract signed by April Seymour also represents that she was at least 18 years of age. He then went on to point out conflicting testimony of Seymour having both said – within a span of 30 minutes on the witness stand – that Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill did NOT know what high school she attended, and that he had also said he had taken photos of other students at “North High School” where April Seymour purportedly also attended. d) Attachment “G” page 23 – Nehls continues with additional examples of discrepancies in April Seymour’s open court testimony, pointing out that 37even the judge at a particular point had raised some issue at some point with one of these prima facie perjured statements and setting forth the question of whether Seymour was actually that confused or was otherwise simply trying repeatedly to cover up for her mistakes in remembering what she was supposed to being testifying as directed to her by the Sheboygan “officers” and “prosecutors”. Nehl then points out that, according to April’s mother Laura Seymour, April had a “curfew” of when she was to be home; yet it was later determined that indeed April was a “runaway” and therefore could not have actually had any set curfew. e) Attachment “G” page 24 – As attorney Nehls continues with more examples of April Seymour’s perjury as a so-called “victim” and “witness” against Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill, he points out the fact that at first April Seymour claimed not to know what the abbreviated term “PO” meant, yet she had a proven history of having a “probation officer”. Underscoring that differentiation, as pointed out by Nehls, is that April Seymour must NOT have been a minor, purportedly being age 15 at the time she was purportedly shown “porn” by Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill, because minors are not issued probation officers but “social workers”; and since probation officers are not assigned until an offender is technically an adult, Seymour must also have been lying 38about her status as being a “minor” at the time of question of the alleged crime wielded against Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill. f) Attachment “G” page 25 – Picking up from the previous page (p.24) whereby attorney Nehls asserted that the case is one of “he said, she said”, Nehls pressed the prosecution as to why – despite that April Seymour had stated she had always been in the company of at least one friend whenever she went to Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill’s home and was presented with pornography by Mr. Goodwill at each visit – the prosecution had never presented any of those “friends” as “witnesses” to the truthfulness of Seymour’s claims, implying again that it was because those statements by Seymour were perjured. Moreover, until the prosecutor raised an objection (based upon exculpated evidence) that the statements of one of Seymour’s friends present at one of Seymour’s visits to Mr. Goodwill’s home, Amanda Lampe, as presented by an “affidavit of Detective Hammon”, reaffirmed Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill’s claim that he did NOT present porn to anyone but instead showed legitimate photos typical of models appearing in “fair” and “car show” pictures. 39g) Attachment “G” page 26 – Attorney Nehls continues, being critical of the fact that, upon a physical and forensic inspection of the purported computer that Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill had used to display pornography to April Seymour, neither the detective nor the forensic specialist could locate any “links” to any of the five photographs identified by April Seymour as having been showed to her by Mr. Goodwill. Nehls added in his statement to the Court, as shown in transcript, “I think that April would have identified five of the photos had she been blindfolded. She was doing it to get out of trouble.” h) Attachment “G” page 27 – Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill’s attorney Nehls pointed out the discrepancy between Seymour’s statements – about going to police on multiple occasions to reveal increasingly more about her story because she was initially too frightened to reveal everything at one meeting – and “Detective Clark’s” own testimony stating that she had never met with Seymour at all, explaining why he had not written a report of the occurrence. Attorney Nehls simply deduces that the ONLY reason why she is delivering this “perjured” testimony is because she is “a liar”, and because she “got caught as a runaway” she is complying with “the state’s” conspiracy to unconstitutionally deprive 40Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill of a fair criminal trial. i) Attachment “G” page 28 – On the last page of this partial transcript that was salvaged by Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill, attorney Nehls concludes that, given the lack of credible testimony from the “victim”, the fact that the prosecution had presented neither any other “witness” nor any actual “evidence” to substantiate the allegations of April Seymour – precisely because “there [wasn’t] any” – the proceedings before the court are simply “wrong” and amount to “nothing more than a witch hunt.” 42. Wrapping up what substantially supports all of the above in further discrediting the personal credibility of April Seymour as the so-called “victim” of Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill, is an email that was purportedly written and sent by Seymour to Mr. Goodwill (under the assumed name of “Greg Zumwalt”) and many others, explaining how April Seymour has a lifetime of growing up as a crime victim, being neglected, physically abused, and repeatedly raped for years as a child by her own family members. (See Attachment “G” page 29) 43. As shown by Attachment “G” page 30 as an article clipping written by Eric Litke of the Sheboygan Press, soon after the story broke the news about the 41“Sheboygan Webgate Scandal”, Sheboygan “officer” John Winter resigned from the police force. Despite Winter’s admission of having an “extra-marital affair” with Reisinger, and the implications that the situation involving Winter implied “the potential [of] criminal wrongdoing”, both the “interim police chief” Tim Eirich and the “district attorney” Joe Dececco and the “city attorney” Steve McLean all announced that they had “found no criminal wrongdoing” by Winter and would therefore “not pursue the matter since Winter’s resignation means the group no longer has jurisdiction”. These public statements basically defraud the public as well as constitute a RICO conspiracy to deprive Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill of his rights to common law civil remedies and crime victim relief. (Bold emphasis added) 44. Further Evidence that these named “usurpers” of the People of Wisconsin’s power and authority (Eirich, Dececco and McLean), along with many others of similar disposition as employed by the “City of Sheboygan”, the “County of Sheboygan”, and/or the “State of Wisconsin” were involved in the persistent criminal cover-up of these “domestic terrorists’” crimes against Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill is found in subsequent pages of Attachment “G” referenced by thirteen (13) pages of partial “deposition of JOHN WINTER” testimony salvaged by 42Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill over the years he had been repeatedly victimized by Wisconsin and Michigan “agents of domestic terrorism.” (See pp. 31-43 of Attachment “G”) 45. The partial transcript found in Attachment “G” prima facie shows that it comes from the case of “Jennifer B. Reisinger vs. Juan Perez, Stephen G. McLean, David E. Kirk, Susan Richards, and the City of Sheboygan”. In summary this case dated 8/1808, and filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin as Case No. 2008-cv-00708 (a.k.a. No. 08-c- 0708), was a “grab the money and run” with a “flashlight aimed against anyone trying to follow her” effort to escape her relationship with Winter under threat of “spilling the beans” on the entire RICO enterprise of the Sheboygan Police Department if they should pursue her for any reason. (See footnotes herein for a more extensive summary.) 13 13 On October 19, 2007, the city attorney for the City of Sheboygan sent Reisinger a cease-and-desist letter requesting that she remove the link to the police department from her website, a site she operated as “Sheboygan Spirit” pertaining to the government and community of Sheboygan, as affiliated with her website development business of “Brat City Web Design”. The letter sent to her by the City of Sheboygan said that, “maintenance of this link could be construed as having been authorized or endorsed by the City and/or its Police Department”, which it actually was as presented above through Reisinger’s malicious relationship with “police officer” John Winter and John Clark. Reisinger initially removed the link but nevertheless received a call from the Sheboygan Police, telling her they were conducting “an official police investigation relative to the linking of her Web site to the City of Sheboygan Police Department.” (This “investigation” actually was associated with the repressed 4346. As shown by the notes appearing again in the header of the page preceding the actual transcript, which is p. 31 of Attachment “G” captioned “Perjury by officer John Winter in his March 3, 2009 Deposition as Caught by the Judge”, Jason outlines – with transcript references to specific page and line numbers for each item listed on this page – the following locations in the transcript where discrepancies appear, as indicative of “perjured” testimony by John Winter during those formal federal Court proceedings. (See graphic inserted below) crimes against Perez, his family, and against Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill. Reisinger then hired an attorney who advised her to put the link back up. He attorney sent several letters to the chief of police, to the mayor, and to the city attorney stating that the city had given no legal basis for its cease-and-desist order. Then, on November 6, 2007, the city notified Reisinger that it had decided against taking legal action, and the mayor public apologized for the incident in an editorial in the local newspaper. Subsequently, on August 20, 2008, Reisinger filed her lawsuit in federal court in Milwaukee against the City of Sheboygan, its mayor, police chief, and city clerk, claiming that the defendants violated her First Amendment rights. According to her Complaint, the city’s initial demand that she remove the link to the police department and the subsequent criminal investigation were done in retaliation for her support of revealing Mayor Juan Perez. As a result of the “defendants’” actions, she claims she “suffered a significant decrease in income, resulting in an estimated 53% decrease in her personal annual income, significant emotional distress (i.e., wonder why?) and concern for her safety.” (Again, wonder why?) 4447. In light of all of the Evidence presented, particularly as found in Attachment “G” as “reasonable cause to believe that 45Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill is a political crime victim and victim of domestic terrorism who has been otherwise “framed” for a crime that he did not commit, Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill herein asserts the need – and indeed marks this instant request – that the judge in possession of this case find “reasonable cause” to believe that a “Set Aside” of Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill needs to be immediately granted along with a “Declaratory Judgment” reasoning the basis for such granting of a “set aside”, and that other injunctive relief be granted in the form of notification of the United States Attorney about this case, with a Federal Special Grand Jury investigation Ordered; with added reasonable cause for federal “arrest warrants” being immediately issued, and for other appropriate relief, such as for the “set aside” of the “conviction” of Richard Deno for the recent charge of his “harboring a fugitive” by sharing his home with Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill up until the time the Escanaba Police Department forced entry into that home, tore Mr. Deno’s dwelling up, and assaulted both Mr. Deno and Mr. Goodwill as they attempted to live in peace. 46FORMAL CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS ARE DELIVERED HEREIN BY ATTACHMENT OF SIXTY-NINE (69) OFFICIAL “AO-91” FEDERAL FORMS NEEDING ONLY THE JUDGE’S EXERCISE OF OFFICIAL DUTY AND AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE AND ORDER FOR A FEDERAL SPECIAL GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION 48. Throughout the years of each successive ordeal that Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill has been forced to endure by these above- referenced “domestic terrorists”, he has formalized both civil and criminal complaints at both the state level and the federal level, in both Wisconsin and in Michigan, all to no avail. In fact, all that he has seen is further retaliation against him, and a growing formidable network of resistors to his pleas to help, with each successive level of “redress of grievance” and “meaningful access to courts” being criminally denied under color of law and by repeated acts of cowardice, treason, “secondary” aiding and abetting of the “predicate” levels of RICO violations, and a long stream of “accessories after the fact.” 49. At minimum, the named perpetrators are guilty of the following list of federal crimes: a) 18 U.S.C. § 4 – Misprision of Felony b) 18 U.S.C. § 2382 – Misprision of Treason c) 18 U.S.C. § 242 – Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law d) 18 U.S.C. § 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights e) 18 U.S.C. § 1341 – Frauds and Swindles 47f) 18 U.S.C. § 1505 – Obstruction of Proceedings Before Departments, Agencies and Committees g) 18 U.S.C. § 1512 – Tampering With A Witness, Victim Or An Informant h) 18 U.S.C. § 1513 – Retaliating Against A Witness, Victim Or An Informant 50. The unfinished listing of the “Named Individual Conspirators of R.I.C.O. and Treason” created by Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill covering the State of Wisconsin, the City of Sheboygan, the State of Michigan, the City of Escanaba, and other Michigan and Federal named criminal perpetrators is found directly below: 4851. As such, Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill herein submits sixty-nine (69) “AO-91” forms recognized by this United States District Court as CRIMINAL COMPLAINT(s), one for each of the named perpetrators. Note that the names appearing in the list of these criminal perpetrators below is likely to be incomplete and, as such, Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill reserves his right to amend and/or add to the number of these formalized criminal complaints. 52. These criminal complaints – some having been already “served” and others being served herein by this Public Notice – being also incomplete and subject to further additions as time allows and/or as it becomes 49necessary, are against the following individuals listed below in their “private” capacities, as well as their “official” capacities, for reasons shown by each of the corresponding CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS (AO-91 federal forms) completed for each person depicted by name. These Complaints are being compiled herein and appear together as Attachment “H”. 1) Scott Walker (fiduciary Wisconsin governor usurper) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 2) Jim Doyle (fiduciary Wisconsin governor usurper) – guilty of obstruction, interfering with a witness, and oath-breaking; 3) Joseph Liebham – (fiduciary Wisconsin senator usurper) – guilty of obstruction and oath-breaking; 4) J.B. Van Hollen – (fiduciary Wisconsin attorney general usurper) – guilty of obstruction, dereliction of duty, and oath-breaking; 5) Joseph Ehrman (usurping fiduciary state appellate officer) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 6) Jennifer Gaecke – (usurping fiduciary “officer of the court”) – guilty of negligence, dereliction of duty, and obstruction; 7) Gregg Gunta – (usurping fiduciary “officer of the court”) – guilty of negligence, dereliction of duty, and obstruction; 508) Victor Arellano – (usurping fiduciary “officer of the court”) – guilty of negligence, dereliction of duty, and obstruction; 9) Paul Bucher – (usurping fiduciary “officer of the court”) – guilty of negligence, dereliction of duty, and obstruction; 10) Mary Struck – (Elkhart press agent) – guilty of slander, libel and defamation; 11) Stephen McLean – (usurping fiduciary “officer of the court”) – guilty of negligence, dereliction of duty, and obstruction; 12) Sandy Cornell (fiduciary Wisconsin Department of Corrections agent usurper) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 13) Gina Carney – (fiduciary Wisconsin Department of Corrections agent usurper) – guilty of obstruction, interfering with a witness, falsifying charges, fabricating evidence, fraud, mail fraud, oath-breaking, and RICO; 14) Jon Litscher – (fiduciary Wisconsin Department of Corrections agent usurper) – guilty of obstruction, interfering with a witness, falsifying charges, fabricating evidence, fraud, mail fraud, oath-breaking, and RICO; 15) Wisconsin Department of Corrections – See the 5-page “Order to Void” as found in Attachment “I”; 5116) City of Sheboygan - See Case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin); 17) Sheboygan Police Department – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 18) County of Sheboygan – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 19) Ashley Nicole Johnson (fiduciary Wisconsin Department of Corrections agent usurper) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 20) Art Dietrich (fiduciary Wisconsin Department of Corrections agent usurper) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 21) Gary Langhoff (state judicial usurper) – See case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; 22) James Bolgert – (state judicial usurper) – guilty of fostering a “kangaroo court”, obstruction, fraud, interfering with a witness, perjury, and oath-breaking; 23) Angela Sutkiewicz (fiduciary Sheboygan County judicial usurper) – See case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; 5224) Edward Stengle – (fiduciary Sheboygan County judicial usurper) – guilty of usurping administrative authority in a criminal case; running a “kangaroo court”, obstruction, fraud, interfering with a witness, perjury, federal kidnapping, oath-breaking, and RICO; 25) Charles Guokas (Wisconsin administrative law judicial usurper) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 26) Juan Perez (former Sheboygan mayoral usurper) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 27) Karol Salata – (fiduciary jail administrator usurper) – guilty of obstruction, interfering with a witness, torture, mail tampering, fraud, and oath-breaking; 28) Paul Brinkman – (fiduciary usurper of assistant prosecuting attorney) – guilty of obstruction, interfering with a witness, fraud, collaborating with traitors, and oath-breaking; 29) David Kirk (former Sheboygan fiduciary police chief usurper) – See case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; 30) Eric Litke (Sheboygan press agent) – See case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; also, guilty of libel and defamation. 5331) Mike Litke (fiduciary public functionary usurper) – See case No. 12- cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; also, guilty of libel and defamation. 32) Jennifer Reisinger – (private co-conspirator in RICO and Treason) – guilty of obstruction and collaborating with traitors; 33) April Seymour – (hearsay witness) – guilty of false swearing, perjury, and collaborating with traitors; 34) John Winter (former Sheboygan fiduciary peace officer) – See case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; 35) Joel Clark (former Sheboygan fiduciary peace officer usurper) – See case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; 36) Jeffrey Johnson (fiduciary Sheboygan peace officer usurper) – See case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; 37) Todd Priebe (fiduciary county peace officer usurper) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 38) Julie Lamb (fiduciary Sheboygan peace officer usurper) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 39) Jeff Veeser (fiduciary Sheboygan peace officer usurper) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 5440) Robert Horsch – (fiduciary “officer of the court”) – guilty of negligence, ineffectiveness of counsel, dereliction of duty, and oath- breaking; 41) Joseph Voelkner – (fiduciary “officer of the court”) – guilty of negligence, obstruction, dereliction of duty, and oath-breaking; 42) Robert Wells – (fiduciary “officer of the court”) – guilty of conflict of interest, negligence, obstruction, dereliction of duty, and RICO; 43) Joseph Dececco (fiduciary usurper of prosecuting attorney for Sheboygan County, Wisconsin) – See case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; 44) Christopher Stock (fiduciary usurper of prosecuting attorney) – guilty of obstruction, dereliction of duty, and oath-breaking; 45) Nathan Haberman (fiduciary usurper of prosecuting attorney for Calumet County, Wisconsin) – See case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; 46) Susan Hart – (usurper human resources director) – guilty of obstruction; 47) Susan Richards – (usurper Sheboygan city clerk) – guilty of obstruction and dereliction of duty; 5548) Vickie Garvey (fiduciary Wisconsin Department of Corrections agent usurper) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 49) Sally Tess (fiduciary Wisconsin Department of Corrections agent usurper) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 50) Joel Hermanski (usurping fiduciary government agent) – See case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; 51) Eric Helmke (usurping fiduciary government agent) – See case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; 52) David Schwarz (usurping fiduciary government agent) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 53) Gregory Weber (attorney supervisor acting as fiduciary for the Wisconsin attorney general) – See undated Criminal Complaint to FBI as found in Attachment “I”; 54) Rick Snyder (fiduciary Michigan governor) – guilty of obstruction, interfering with a witness, federal kidnapping, turning over a RICO witness to a Foreign State and Defendants, and Oath-Breaking; 55) Bill Schuette (fiduciary attorney general usurper) – See the “Criminal Complaint” filed with Schuette’s office dated 5/20/16, as well as Schuette’s 56“denial of assistance” letter of response, written by his “agent” Donna Pendergast, both which are found in Attachment “I”; 56) Donna Pendargast (fiduciary assistant attorney general usurper) – See the “Criminal Complaint” filed with Schuette’s office dated 5/20/16, as well as Schuette’s “denial of assistance” letter of response, written by his “agent” Donna Pendergast, both which are found in Attachment “I”; 57) Heidi Washington – (fiduciary Michigan Department of Corrections agent usurper) – guilty of obstruction, interfering with a witness, falsifying charges, fabricating evidence, fraud, mail fraud, oath-breaking and RICO; 58) Steven Parks – (Michigan judicial usurper) – See the 10-page “Notice of Criminal Complaints” (undated) as found in Attachment “I”; 59) Darin Hunter (fiduciary usurper of peace officer for the City of Escanaba) – See the “Criminal Complaint” dated 5/18/17 and the “Tort Claim Against Public Officers Before the State Claims Commission” dated 6/20/16 as both are found in Attachment “I”; 60) Jason Thibeault (fiduciary county jail administrator usurper) – See the “Criminal Complaint” dated 5/18/17 as found in Attachment “I”; 61) Jessica Pelto (fiduciary usurper of prosecuting attorney for Delta County) – See the “Tort Claim Against Public Officers Before the State 57Claims Commission” dated 6/20/16, as well as the (undated) “Notice of Criminal Complaints”, as both are found in Attachment “I”. 62) Phil Strom (fiduciary usurper of prosecuting attorney for Delta County) – See the “Tort Claim Against Public Officers Before the State Claims Commission” dated 6/20/16, and (undated) “Notice of Criminal Complaints”, as both are found in Attachment “I”. 63) Robert Richards (fiduciary clerk usurper) – See the “Criminal Complaint” filed with Richards’ office dated 5/20/16 as found in Attachment “I”; 64) Timothy Cain (fiduciary “officer of the court”) – See the “Criminal Complaint” filed with Cain’s office dated 5/20/16 as found in Attachment “I”; 65) James O’Toole – (usurping fiduciary government agent) – See the “Criminal Complaint” filed with O’Toole’s office dated 5/20/16 as found in Attachment “I”; 66) Mark Tall – (Escanaba mayoral usurper) – See the “Criminal Complaint” filed with Tall’s office dated 5/20/16 as found in Attachment “I”; 67) Stephen Davis – (Michigan judicial usurper) – See the “Notice of Default Judgment” dated 10/10/16 regarding Davis and others named as the 58"clerk of the court" and "court appointed counsel for the defense" cited for their "Conspiracy to Treason", and the (undated) “Notice of Criminal Complaints”, as both are found in Attachment “I”; 68) Mark Luoma – (fiduciary federal judicial usurper) – guilty of obstruction, interfering with a witness, federal kidnapping, violations of Oath, turning over a RICO witness to a foreign state and defendants, and oath-breaking. 69) Rudolph Randa (fiduciary federal judicial usurper) – See his connection to case No. 12-cv-1093; United States District Court, E.D. Wisconsin; 53. The fact is that procedure is imbedded in substantive law, such as that found in state statutes, 14 which take precedence in the absence of Congressional legislation to the contrary of those state statutes. (Bold emphasis) 14 Main, Thomas. The Procedural Foundation of Substantive Law. Washington University Law Review, Vol. 87 (2009) See also, Erie [Railroad] v. Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64 (1938)] as it called attention to the constitutional restrictions on federal lawmaking with respect to rules governing decisions in cases brought in federal court to enforce state – created rights. Congress was given limited substantive powers and responsibilities under Article I; substantive rights created in the exercise of those powers can, of course, be enforced in state as well as federal courts, unless Congress provides for exclusive jurisdiction in one of the forums. 5954. Moreover, 28 U.S.C. §2072 which states, in relevant part: “[T]he Supreme Court of the United States shall have the power to prescribe by general rules . . . the forms of process, writs, pleadings, and motions, and the practice and procedure in civil actions at law. Said rules shall neither abridge, enlarge, nor modify the substantive rights of any litigant.” (Bold emphasis) 55. Essentially then, federal procedures do not trump state laws, especially when the state laws command “any judge” how to act when faced with “reasonable cause” to believe that a crime or crimes have been committed; and when presented with sworn and notarized “Criminal Complaints” as has been placed into Evidence (i.e., see Attachments “H” and “I”) giving “probable cause” for instituting an immediate investigation and issuing immediate arrest warrants, as shown herein. (Bold emphasis) 56. MCL 18.351 – [Crime Victim's Compensation Board (definitions)] which defines a "Crime": "(c) 'Crime' means an act that is 1 of the following: (i) A crime under the laws of this state or the United States that causes an injury within this state. (ii) An act committed in another state that if committed in this state would constitute a crime under the laws of this state or the United States, that causes an injury within this state or that causes an injury to a resident of this state within a state that does not have a victim compensation program eligible for funding from the victims of crime act of 1984, chapter XIV of title II 60of the comprehensive crime control act of 1984, Public Law 98-473 98 Stat. 2170." 57. MCR Rule 6.101 (Rules of the Court) holds that. "A complaint is described as a written accusation that a named or described person has committed a specified criminal offense. The complaint must include the substance of the accusation against the accused and the name and statutory citation of the offense. (B)(Signature and Oath) The complaint must be signed and sworn to before a judicial officer or court clerk....." 15 58. MCL 761.1 and MCL 750.10 describes an “indictment” as “a formal written complaint or accusation written under Oath affirming that one or more crimes have been committed and names the person or persons guilty of the offenses". 59. MCL 767.3 holds that at the least: "The complaint SHALL give probable cause for any judge of law and of record to suspect that such offense or offenses have been committed...and that such complaint SHALL warrant the judge to direct an inquiry into the matters relating to such complaint”. (Bold emphasis added) 60. MCL 764.1(a) holds that, "A magistrate SHALL issue a warrant upon presentation of a proper complaint alleging the commission of an offense and a 15 This rule also corresponds near exactly with the wording of Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 3. . 61finding of reasonable cause to believe that the individual or individuals accused in the complaint committed the offense.” 16 61. MCL 764.1(b) calls for an "arrest without delay”. 62. Note also that the protection of crime victims from “accused” is constitutionally guaranteed right under both the Michigan Constitution and the Title 18, § 3771 of the United States Code. 18 U.S.C § 3771 specifically defines “crime victim” in relevant part as follows: “ The term “crime victim” means a person directly and proximately harmed as a result of the commission of a federal offense ...” 63. Therefore, Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill humbly requests that the judge of this instant United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan – being considered in the class of being “any judge” adjudicating matters within the scope and the territorial boundaries of the State of Michigan and its constitution and laws – be compelled to do the judge’s duty to authoritatively sign the sixty-nine “AO-91” CRIMINAL COMPLAINT forms, be compelled to institute an immediate investigation of 16 This Michigan law also corresponds with the wording and intent of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 4, which states in relevant part: “If the complaint or one or more affidavits filed with the complaint establish probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed and that the defendant committed it, the judge must issue an arrest warrant to an officer authorized to execute it.” 62the matters of those criminal complaints, be compelled to issue immediate arrest warrants, and be compelled to Order a federal special grand jury investigation of these entire matters. GRIEVANT/PLAINTIFF/CRIME VICTIM/CLAIMANT JASON GOODWILL HEREIN DECLARES THAT HE IS NO LONGER A NATIONAL OF THE “UNITED STATES (INC.)” AND SWEARS HIS ALLEGIENCE INSTEAD TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES KNOWN AS “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” 64. As the Evidence demonstrates, the inhabitants as usurpers of the People’s power and authority have acted as “foreign entities” and “domestic terrorists” upon American soil by their treatment toward Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill as an innocent man, as a crime victim, and as a whistleblower. As such, he hereby submits the following statement, and more, in the context of Attachment “J” titled, “Allegiance to the Republic, The United States of America”, in relinquishing all ties to the 14th Amendment “citizen” in status, being no longer “subject” to the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES (Inc.): “I hereby and herein declare my right to contract or not to contract; and to cast off the fraudulent illusion and the fictitious corporate veil and controversy created by the unconstitutional usurpation of power and control of UNITED STATES and its "agents," which I have proof rule by acts of tyranny and (domestic) terrorism. I also assert herein that I cannot hold allegiance to two (2) opposing national Sovereigns upon the same soil, as it is impossible to be allegiant to both one nation devoted to supporting and defending the Constitution of The United States of America and one nation intent on destroying The Constitution's underlying meaning and intent.” 63“Thus, under penalty of perjury and before a Notary Public and Jurat, I accept and say "yes" to having allegiance to The United States of America and metes and bounds. By claiming such allegiance, I undertake an affirmative act to dispel the controversy and fraud being perpetuated by the corporate ‘officials’ operating as the UNITED STATES; and I herein establish my full faith and credit in the Trust, created in Common Law, supported, endorsed and enforced by Private Attorneys Generals and/or the Human Rights provided under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” REQUEST FOR RELIEF UNDER THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, AND DEMAND FOR REMEDY BY CLAIMS ESTABLISHED UNDER THE LAWS OF COMMERCE This instant filing contains a “Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus” and accompanying “Motion to Show Cause”, “Notice of Removal”, “Request for Immediate Consideration”, “Motion to Vacate and/or Set Aside Erroneous State Court ‘Conviction’ Judgment(s)”, and a “Request for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief”. As such, Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill requests the following: 1) Granting each and every one of the “petitions” and “motions” and “requests” submitted above as supported throughout these pages with a plethora of evidence to bring “probable cause” to believe that Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill is not only innocent, but a crime victim of domestic terrorism, and is thus owed immediate remedies; 642) Issue a immediate “Writ of Habeas Corpus” and Order to liberate Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill from his unlawful captivity; 3) Sign in verification of each of the 68 “AO-91” CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS to authenticate them as a matter of this federal court case record; 4) Based upon the overwhelming Evidence submitted ushering in “probable cause” that crimes have been committed against Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill, issue a sweeping “Set Aside” of all “convictions”; 5) Issue a Declaratory Order expunging all criminal history placed upon Mr. Goodwill since 2007; 6) Order the immediate convening of a federal special grand jury investigation into the FACTS as presented herein by Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill; 7) Issue Arrest Warrants immediate against “the accused” to call them in for immediate detainment and questioning; 8) Provide all other injunctive relief that this federal court deems necessary and in the spirit of justice Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill. 65AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH The above statements, as well as all attachments incorporated by reference, are hereby submitted under penalty of perjurY a~ truthful, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. If called to testify at trial, I will be able to reaffirm and clarifY all of the statements contained herein in prosecution of the crimes about which I am reporting now and have been persistently reporting for this past full decade. Date: j -- d I ,- ~ '1 Acting with "power of attorney" as "Next Friend" and on the behalf of Grievant/Petitioner/Crime Victim/Claimant Jason Goodwill Date: -3-'d\--' fl All rights are reserved. 66