Cindy Di Corrado MISDEMEANOR DIVISION L 316 North West First Avenue Case No. 50-2020-MM-004494-AXXX-MB Boynton Beach, Florida [33435] v STATE OF FLORIDA IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA- CRIMINAL DIVISION      AFFIDAVIT OF COUNTER CRIMINIAL COMPLAINT     On Saturday May 30, 2020, i: cindy, woman: : was caused harm by way of trespass by  Anthony Johnson,  D/S Megan Casteel, D/S  Nicholas Orsino, D/S  Lloyd Lumbert, D/S  Kelsey Shults, D/S James E Putnik,  D/S Taylor A DeMario, D/S Samuel Rosenfield, D/S  Robert Govantes,  and  D/S Nathaniel Turner by way of battery, assault, kidnapping , trafficking, extortion, slavery, hostage,  aggravated assault,  imprisonment, criminal conspiracy, Use of force, lack of Territorial Jurisdiction, involuntary incarceration, Violation of Civil Rights, abusing  the elderly, Robbery, Causing Bodily Harm, Attempt to commit Murder, Manslaughter and violation of my religious property.       As per the probable cause affidavit there are many falsified statements made by D/S Orsino Badge #28991 and D/S M. Casteel Badge #28275 in which Casteel  wrote up and Orsino and Casteel signed under penalty of perjury.  I: cindy:  the woman was never trespassed the day prior.  i : cindy: with an assembly were standing on public property (the sidewalk, as per video) nearby the La Granja Restaurant in which no one from the La Granja Restaurant came out and said anything to anyone of us. My husband’s car (which they stole) was parked behind the La Granja parking lot which is parking for the whole plaza, (please see photo of the shopping center).    I never stated I was trespassed the day prior as I was NEVER trespassed the day prior as written on their falsified statement form on 5/29/2020. i, cindy: the woman was never directed to the ground, D/S Orsino kneaded me and Casteel and another Deputy (as in picture and video) pulled on me to drop me to my knees.     I was never advised I was being arrested for tress pass from the property on 5/29/2020 as I never was trespassed on 5/ 29/2020.   Lt.  Johnson stepped near the edge of the road as Casteel, Orsino and the other Police walked briskly towards me as to attack me (please see video) It was a set up.)    I didn’t know why I was being arrested nor did they tell me.  I was assembling to redress a grievance on public property as per the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and made sure that we did it correctly, on public property.    I was never transported to a walk-in clinic.  D/S Casteel said that I would hold everyone up in the process if I went to the hospital.  So, the next day, I went to the Urgent Care walk-in clinic at cost of $279.00 to check if I had any broken bones as my wrists and neck hurt and I was in excruciating pain.  I also went to the Chiropractor Ronald Silverberg twice cost of $185.00 to have myself checked who sent me to Windsor Imaging for an MRI to check internal damage at   $300.00 as Lt. Johnson choked, attempted murder and karate chopped I: cindy : the woman and  D/S Orsino twisted my arm up my back.  I went to have a massage at Toko Spa at the cost of $40.00 due to the pain in my shoulders and neck that was inflicted upon me.   Lt. Johnson (stole) my husband’s car and had it towed without a signed wet ink warrant by a judge which also makes the towing company an accomplice to robbery. Lt. Johnson had Details on Wheels at the cost of $223.00 storage which they held hostage from Saturday till Monday as they would not release it to me as it was in my husband’s name. Cory Strolla Esq. thought he was texting someone at the Districts Attorney’s office.  I was on the thread which stated we have wiggle room and stated,  we can press a charge in regards to the car .( He did not know the car was in my husband’s name.  That is why I fired him as he was going to represent me Pro bono and turned coat on me.     We had wait appx 2 hours for the employee of the yard to get there and my husband had to take approximately 3 hours from his work and of his time to pick up his vehicle.    On the Arrest/Notice to appear it was written on a Juvenile Referral Report by  D/S Casteel,  it states that I am 5’10 and 165 pounds when I am 5’2 and 139 pounds.  It says that I have brown eyes when I have green eyes, It says that I have brown hair when I have Auburn Hair, it states that I was Trespassed, on May 29, 2020 which I was NOT.     Anthony Johnson, D/S Megan Casteel, D/S Nicholas Orsino, D/S  Lloyd Lumbert, D/S  Kelsey Shults, D/S James E Putnik,  D/S Taylor A DeMario, D/S Samuel Rosenfield, D/S  Robert Govantes,  and  D/S Nathaniel Turner,  Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, District Attorney Dave Aronberg, Assistant District Attorney Jeremiah Romano, Cory Strolla Esq, Judge Bradley Harper and  Clerk of Court Joseph Abruzzo all participated in crimes against I : cindy: the woman:   1.  Tress pass, Aggravated assault, criminal conspiracy,   2. Violation of the 1st Amendment,  3.  Personal and Territorial Jurisdiction over defendant was never properly established;  4.  Breach of the Peace;  5.  Instigation of Litigation;  6.  Simulation of legal Process;   7. Abuse of Process;   8. Barratry;  9.  Conversion of Defendant property for personal profit and gain:;  10. Violation of Florida Statute 876.05 Oath of Office (876.09 make this applicable to all constitutional officers and all employees and elected officers of all cities, towns, counties, and political subdivisions, including the educational system);  11. Unlawful search and seizure in adversity with Florida Constitution Article I, Section 12 and United States Constitution, Fourth Amendment;  12.  Unlawful taking in adversity with United States Constitution, Fifth Amendment;  13.  Receiving stolen and misappropriated trade secrets and intellectual property;   14.  Trademark Infringement;   15.  Dilution of Trademark;   16 .Use of mails and wires with intent to deprive Defendants intangible right to receive honest services in adversity with 18 USC sec 1346 and 1349; and Florida Statute 817.034 (1) (a) (b).  16. Engaging in systematic, ongoing course of conduct with intent to defraud one or more persons with intent to obtain property from one or more persons by false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, and willful misrepresentation of a future act in violation of Florida Statute 817.034 (3) (d).  17.  Obtaining property in violation of Florida Statute 817.034 (4) (a); (Cory Strolla Esq. and District Attorney Dave Aronberg);   18. Trespass upon Defendant property and rights protected by the Laws and Constitutions of the State of Florida and United States in adversity with 42 USC sec 1983, 1985 and 18 USC sec 242,  19. False claims and false statements before this court in adversity with Florida Rules of Judicial Procedure Rule 2.515 (a) and Oath of Admissions to the Florida Bar; 18 USC sec 287 and 1001; and Florida Statues 837.02 and 837.06.   20. Therefore, District Attorney Dave Aronberg, Assistant Attorney Jeremiah Romano, Judge Bradley Harper, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, Esq. Cory Strolla, Lt.  Anthony Johnson, D/S Megan Casteel, D/S Nicholas Orsino, D/S  Lloyd Lumbert, D/S  Kelsey Shults, D/S James E Putnik,  D/S Taylor A DeMario, D/S Samuel Rosenfield, D/S  Robert Govantes,  and  D/S Nathaniel Turner and any constitutional officers and all employees and elected officers or anyone on the payroll in support thereof are ultra vires.   21. Therefore, with prosecution of this action, District Attorney Dave Aronberg, Assistant Attorney Jeremiah Romano, Judge Bradley Harper, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, Esq. Cory Strolla, Lt.  Anthony Johnson, D/S Megan Casteel, D/S Nicholas Orsino, D/S Lloyd Lumbert, D/S  Kelsey Shults, D/S James E Putnik,  D/S Taylor A DeMario, D/S Samuel Rosenfield, D/S  Robert Govantes, and  D/S Nathaniel Turner does cause significant harm and injury to Defendant’s Trademark, Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets  which does endanger and threaten I:cindy: , the woman’s lively-hood and reputation.    22. Therefore, Dave Aronberg, “reasonably should know” this case:  1.  Is travesty of justice;  2. Should not even be in court, and;  3. ( c ) Does waste the Court’s valuable resources and time.     Therefore, Bradley Harper should “reasonably should know” that without proof of claim nor rebuttal, all legal actions, charges, fines and fees against any persons who now or hereafter are NOT employed by or who NOT  now or hereafter are on the payroll of the state, or any of its departments and agencies, subdivisions, counties, cities, school boards and districts of the free public school system in any matter before any City Court, County Court or Administrative Court are to be dismissed and immediate  remedy  and amnesty granted;     1. Lt. Anthony Johnson, Megan Casteel  aggravated assault, criminal conspiracy, assault, robbery, kidnapped attempted murder, use of force, abusing the elderly, trafficking, color of law, violation of my religious property, Anthony grabbed i: cindy: choked me, karate chopped me took my keys from me, no probable cause , wasn’t told what I was being charged for , violated my 1st Amendment right, the 4th Amendment stole my husband’s vehicle, caused  i: cindy: the woman,   emotional, physical, medical and financial hardship     1. Anthony Johnson, trespass, assault, aggravated assault, attempted murder, hostage, criminal conspiracy, violation of my religious property, causing bodily harm, use of force, abusing the elderly,   2.Megan Casteel, Trespass, assault, aggravated assault, kidnapped, hostage, slavery,  false imprisonment, robbery,  criminal conspiracy, violation of my religious property, causing bodily harm, Use of force,  abusing the elderly ,  caused bodily harm, woman handled , kicked , stole flag from my hand and threw it on the ground  held  hostage in D/S Casteel’s vehicle for appx ½ hour no air-conditioning in the heat of the day and no windows rolled down,  kidnapping, trafficking, extortion, slavery,  color of law, mis information on the report, never gave probable cause.      3. Nick Orsino Trespassed, assault, aggravated assault, kidnapped, hostage, use of force, false imprisonment, criminal conspiracy, robbery, violation of my religious property, causing bodily harm, abusing the elderly, color of law, Nick Orsino  caused bodily harm, pulled my arm all the way up my back as he kicked the back of my knees to drop me to the ground and then pried and twisted and stole my keys from my hand.    4. Unnamed man in a uniform, Trespass, aggravated assault, criminal conspiracy, assault, kidnapped, use of force, color of law, abusing the elderly, violation of my religious property,    5. Ric Bradshaw, Dave Aronberg, Jeremiah Romano, Bradley Harper, Cory Strolla by the way of a false arrest and perused a false case against me .  6.  Joseph Abruzzo denied i: cindy: the woman to file papers for case with the Clerk of Court    REMEDY/RESTITUTITON   Claim of Damages/ Transgression fee    Dave Aronberg –      Twelve Million Dollars       Five years in jail  Jeremiah Romano-   Ten Million Dollars             One Year in Jail  Bradley Harper-        Ten Million dollars              One year in jail   Cory Strolla-              One Million Dollars   Joesph Abruzzo        One Million Dollars              Five years in jail   Ric Bradshaw            Twelve Million Dollars         Five years in jail   Anthony Johnson     Twelve Million Dollars -      Five years in jail  Megan Casteel-        Twelve Million Dollars –      Five years in jail  Nick Orsino-              Twelve Million Dollars         Five years in jail   D/S Lloyd Lumbert, D/S  Kelsey Shults, D/S James E Putnik,  D/S Taylor A DeMario, D/S Samuel Rosenfield, D/S  Robert Govantes,  and  D/S Nathaniel Turner                         One million dollars each            One  year in jail each