List of Court Cases for which presently there is
No Complaining Party In Our Supreme Court of Law for the USA:
but concerning which Any Complaining Party would be Most Welcome
to Prosecute Shuch Cases before Our Supreme Court of Law.
Last Up-Dated: 2021-August-22.
1: The "Steven Donziger Case" is of national significance, & it has the potential to be very useful in
advancing the cause of this SCLUSA & our Conferences; because, only "Out-Side The Box" Thinking People like us
are mentally & spiritually capable of Mounting a Strategy for actually bringing Justice to this man.
I, Charles, have been an admirer of Leftist/Socialist "Chris Hedges" for a long time;
& on his regular internet broadcast on "Russia Today", Chris recently interviewed Mr Donziger,
in the 29-minute video web-linked here:
"Corporate Tyranny & Steven Donziger"
I believe if Our SCLUSA Court Produces a Jury Verdict which Declares
Donziger to be Innocent of these "Contempt" Charges against him, then,
this case would likely produce a very powerful Alliance for us
with Many Honorable Leftists; possibly even including Chris Hedges.
"Steven Donziger won a multibillion-dollar judgment against Chevron in Ecuador.
The company sued him in New York, and now he’s under house arrest."
2: joe Gilberti has a number of Court Cases in which he could use our help.
Joe has appeared ibn our conferences before, once, at the invitation of Michael Zarzano.
Joes cases are a bit complex, similar to those of David & Chris; but, like the Dozigner Case above,
Joe has many powerful connections which could be of significant benefit to
advancing the Cause iof Justice for our American People; & this SCLUSA.
Web-Links to Court Documents related to Joe's Case are presented near the center of the web-page here:
3: USS Liberty Case: David Schied has recently become active with people concerned about this Potentially Very Powerful Case.
Our SCLUSA involvement in Bringing Justice to the issues involved in this case
has the potential to Revolutionize our American & World Governmental Structure.
I believe the following links to a 7-minute video & one of many web-pages concerned with this issue
should present enough Evidence to convince even the most skeptical that
this case presents powerful possibilities for Significant Positive Changes
in the Judicial Systems & Governments of the USA & this entire Earth.
"The day Israel attacked America"; (7-minutes)
4: The Case of Julian Assinage. This is a Habeas-Corpus Case & Criminal Counter-Complaint
as against the Jack-Booted Military-Police-State Nazis in Roman-Modeled Municipal Government
of both the USA & the British Empires. Here-under; our Supreme Court of Law is Duty-Bound
to Assemble Twelve Good-Reputation Jurors, to Declare their Adjudication, that,
Anglo/American Common-Law Due-Process finds "Proof Beyond All Reasonable Doubt", that,
in response to the Accusations & Charges presented by the Office-Holders in that
American Municipal Government, as against Julian, that, those Accusations & Charges
have "Failed to Provide Sufficient Evidence" in order to "State a Prima-Facia Case",
that, Julian has ever, or does presently, Present a "Threat to USA National-Security";
& that, here-under, the Interests of Anglo/American Common-Law Justice Mandate, that,
Julian be Immediately Released from his present Imprisonment in England;
& Promptly & Safely Transferred to the Custody of People Whom Julian Recognizes as being Trust-Worthy.
This List Is Expected to be Amended & Expanded.