"Orderly Governing of the USA"

	In Order to effectively secure "Truth, Justice, Safety, Peace, & Liberty", for our Good & American People, those among us with Leadership Capabilities must first bring the larger mass of our more common people to comprehend that there are certain Supreme "Natural/Organic Laws" which Must Govern the Sociological Universe of our American National Body-Politic.  
This proposition is True, because, it is Only through Harmonizing with these Supreme Sociological "Natural/Organic Laws" that our American Body-Politic may effectively Purge It-Self of the "Parasite-Class" which is presently sucking dry the economic & literal life-blood of our larger Organic Body-Politic. That Parasite-Class routinely Coerces the more honorable among our present Governmental Officials to Mis-Use the Force of our beloved Nation, all so as to
Directly Cause Our Own People & those in Other Nations to View Our National Government as the Leaders of a Body-Politic of "Lawless Terrorists". These are the "Un-Avoidable Consequences" of Dis-Harmony with the Supreme Natural/Organic Laws which Must Govern Body-Politics of Honorable People. Unless these Supreme Sociological "Natural/Organic Laws" are so Harmonized with, these Terrorists & Parasite-Classes will exercise their profound ability to Camouflage them- selves as Respectable & Honorable Members of the Body-Politic, & there-by they will Escape Detection & they will Continue in their Terrorizing, Pillage, & Plunder, of the Remainder of the more Honorable Members of our National Body-Politic. Here-under, these Supreme Natural/Organic Laws of "Sociological Mechanics", Dictate that there be "Great Control" for the "Individual Members" of the Body-Politic, at the Smaller "Local Level". These same "Mechanical Natural-Laws" similarly Dictate "Progressively Less Control" for these Individual Members, as Larger Numbers of "We the People" in our Natural/Organic Body-Politic seek to so become "Organized". These Sociological "Mechanical Laws" have been Placed in Motion in very Ancient Times, when the First Natural/Organic Laws were Set in Motion for the Ordering of the entire Universe. They are Beyond the Powers of mere Men to Alter, or to very long exist in Violation there-of. The Evidence conclusively Proves that this general form of "Natural/Organic Law Harmonized Government" was that Form which was being followed by the Anglo/Saxons & Celtic Peoples of England & Northern Europe, especially prior to the Norman-Conquest of England in 1066 ad.. Further, the Evidence conclusively Proves that this general Form of Government was also being followed by the Nation of Israel at various times in their history, & that it was being followed by their promised Messiah/Christ, Yeshua/Jesus. This ""Evidence" is presented in accompanying documents. Here-under, the "Household" is the Singular Most Important Unit of Government which Sociological Natural/Organic Law "Requires the Support" of. The very Next Larger Unit of Government which has become recognized by traditional America, British/English, & Israelite Torah & Christian Law, is the "Township". The Ancient Model Requires that the "Township" be Formed from Only Ten (10) "Heads of Households". Under True Anglo/American Constitutional Law, this Small Governmental Unit, was the Supreme Executive Officer in that Small Ten-Household Jurisdiction. If Any-one is to be Arrested with-in that Township Jurisdiction, for Any Crime What-So-Ever; the "Town Constable" was to make that Arrest. One of the "Leaders", "Heads", or "Constables" from Ten of these "Townships"; are then Elected to the Ranks of Leadership in the Next Higher Governmental Level at the "Hundred Court"or "Precinct Court". This is a Constitutionally Recognizable "Court of Justice", or "Court of Law". These "Precincts" are "Districts" with-in the meaning of Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution; & These Small Jurisdictions are basically where All Criminal Complaints find theor "Original Jurisdiction". These Criminal Complaints can be "Passed Up" to the Lager Common-Law Jurisdictions, such as the "County Court", when-ever the Officers of the Smaller Precinct Courts Recognize such to be in the Interests of Justice. Case-law recognizes that "District" means "Precinct". Here-under, the Heads of Each Township can here-by exercise very Powerful Control over the Officers of that "Precinct Court". This Small Precinct Governmental Unit of "Ten Townships" is where "Due Process of Law" is Unanimously Administered by the People in their Sovereign Common-Law Capacity. This entire Common-Law Governmental Machinery Structure places Very Powerful "Local Control" in the hands of the Local Population. This Powerful Sovereign Local Control Continues on up, "Through-Out the Entire Hierarchy" of this Ancient System of "Common-Law Government". Through the Hierarchal Structure set forth in accompanying documents; the People of the Entire USA are Placed in Positions of Meaningful Control & Sovereign Power over All Governmental Machinery in the Entire USA. Here-under, Each Level Exercises "Instantaneous Recall" & "Veto Powers" over the Officers which They have Appointed to the Office Directly Above Them in the Hierarchy. This Supreme Sociological Natural/Organic Law Demands that such "Instantaneous Recall" & "Veto Authority" as this be Lodged in these "Lower Levels" of Government. Here-by, there is Zero Opportunity for Governmental Policies of Terrorism, Pillage, & Plunder to be Implemented by Terrorizing Parasite-Classes over the Common-People/Members of our American National Body-Politic. These Supreme Sociological Natural/Organic Laws Require the Common American People to Organize Their Own Smaller & more Localized Governmental Units, such as these Townships, & Precincts. These are the Most Important of Governmental Units, & the Officers of the "Counties" have a "Primary Duty" to Insure that such is Operating Efficiently with-in their County-Wide Jurisdiction. Only here-by, may Violent Terrorists & Parasite-Classes be Purged from the Constitutional "Body-- Politic" of Peaceable & Honorable American Men. The Terms "Organic" & "Organize" are clearly "Related-Terms", & here-under Supreme "Natural/Organic Law" "Requires" this "Local-Organizing" of "Local-Governments" by "Local- Communities" of Honorable American People. And it works best if these small communities profess some form Religion, which can "Bind their Conscience" to Socially "Honorable" & "Responsible" Behavior. As shown further below & elsewhere, "Trial by Jury" is the Most Effective Mechanism Known for Scientifically Discovering these "Sociological Natural- Laws". The Unanimous Agreement of Twelve People is Very Hard to Achieve, & Once it is Done, the Logical Conclusion Follows that this is the "Conscience of the Community". Here-under, the Logical Conclusion Follows, that these United States of America should be Governed by a "Supreme Jury". This is the Policy which is advocated in a soon to be completed "Natural Organic Constitution for the People of the United States os America"; of which this document is specifically designed to support. That document may be reviewed on the web pages described at the end of this article (at least in part now, & more completely soon.). Here-under, the USA should be Organized Directly Under Twelve "Super-State" Districts, with One "Judge/Juror/Justice of the Peace" Chosen from Each such "Super-State". Similarly, & at the More Localized Levels Directly Under Each of these Twelve Supreme National Judicial Jurisdictions; many More "Supreme Juries" such as this, should be "Organized" to Govern their Progressively "Smaller & More Localized Jurisdictions". This is all similar to how "St Columbia" Organized the Non-Romanized Christian "Celtic Church" of ancient Britain, & it is Probably how "King Arthur" Organized his "Round Table" at "Camelot". It is clearly how Ancient "Israel" was Organized under the "Twelve Tribes"; & it is Clearly How "Christ/Messiah Jesus/Yeshua", was Organizing the True Israelite People under his "New Jerusalem" Government of "Twelve Apostles". Al of these Historical Precedents lend great Support to the here-in contained Proposition that our American People Should Adopt This Form of "Natural/Organic Government". This is a Maximumly Possible "De-Centralized" System of Judicial Governmental Process, all just precisely as Visualized under the 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, & 11th Amendments . Here-by, & as all of these Multitudes of Smaller Sovereign Common-Law Jurisdictions in the USA Adopt this Supreme Natural/Organic Form of Government; the "Water of Justice" (as described by Blackstone & the Bible) will Flow through Much Exercise of Constitutional "Due Process of Law", all to Saturate our Entire American "Body-Politic" with such much needed Godly Conscionable "Justice". It is Only Here-By that "Truth, Justice, Peace, Safety, & Tranquility" may effectively & Lastingly be Secured for our Common American People. The vision of "New Jerusalem" as described by John in the Biblical book of "Revelation" would not be inappropriately applied here-to. Late August, 2002; Version 2.0; cbs ...