
Welcome to the web-page for
"the Organic Body-Politic of"
the "General Congressional Assembly" of the
Qualified-Electors who Constitute the "Organic Body-Politic"
of these "United States of America".






Organic Divisions





Blacks Law Dictionary




Our above map is one of Two Models which we are using to Organize
Twelve Separate "Free & Independent Super-States";
each with their own "Bottom-Up" & "Natural/Organic" Hierarichal Structure,
& Fully Accountable to Their Own Local Constituents & Town Constables.

Many "Seats of Leadership" here-in are "Available "& "Open".
Pleade join with us; & choose your own level of involvement & commitment.

We are Constituents who are Assembled for General Public Political Purposes;
& for the Improvement of General Constitutional Governmental Machinery.

We Organically Compose the Body-Politic of a Legitimate & Public
"General Congress" & "Supreme Court of Law" for our Common American People.

We are a full-time & real-time "Constitutional Convention".

We claim Lawful Authority to Exercise Juris-Diction over Any Sixth-Amendment Criminal-Case
which has Not been Adjudicated Previously & Lawfully by one of the "Districts" or "Precincts"
or higher jurisdictions which are here-under lawfully functional.

To the best of our abilities; we will Bond to-gether, to responsibly assume
the Duties of "Qualified-Electors", in both our Local Townships & Precincts;
& also in our non-localized Private/Special/Religious/Ideological/Fraternal Communities.

This all in accord with the our Organic/Traditional Anglo/American System of "Federalism",
which is based solidly on those "Fundamental Principles" of "Responsible Self-Governing"
under those concepts of "Natural Law" & "Higher Law" which have been affirmed in
our National & State "Constitution" documents, & in the Rules of Due-Process of Common-Law.

The "Rule of Law" is a reference to "Due Process of Law" & "Common-Law"
both of which are based on the concept of a system of "Higher Law",
Significantly Different from & vastly Superior to the "Rule of Men", aka: "Statutory Law" *******************************************************************************