11:58:56 From Matt Crehan : The 2016 election was STOLEN by Hillary; Bernie really won! 12:00:49 From Matt Crehan : Glad to have you here, John!!! 12:01:05 From Charles Stewart : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_TyGBCP3Y0 12:01:59 From Charles Stewart : that video link says trump is moving to empower military. 12:05:14 From Cyn D Lou Who To Charles Stewart(privately) : looking forward to watching because how can he? the deception refuses to end either he is without Constitutional authority or he has the authority and how sick is this game going to get? 12:06:42 From Charles Stewart To Cyn D Lou Who(privately) : right on, cindy. 12:16:14 From Charles Stewart To Cyn D Lou Who(privately) : Yea; the criminals are bold; they will commit their crimes right in front of people, because most people are too stupid to recognize the crime. 12:17:33 From Matt Crehan : Lyndon Johnson STOLE the senate race way back when!!!! 12:19:19 From Charles Stewart To Cyn D Lou Who(privately) : i did not know that, matt. 12:36:06 From Charles Stewart To Cyn D Lou Who(privately) : Being "Objective". 13:03:37 From Matt Crehan : I'm NOT wearing a mask......except on Halloween!!!