Conference Organizing Details for
the Supreme Court of Law of the USA


Important Foundational & Educational Documents:
Extended-List, Regularly Up-Dated & Expanded: Here is our Main & Extended List of Documents which Explain Why Pre-Existing Organic Body-Politic Community Traditions of Anglo/American Common-Law, Biblical/Christian Torah-Law, & the Perfect-Law-of-Liberty, Must Be Complied With, in order for Modern American Patriots to Effectively Organize Responsibly Self-Governing Communitys.

The "Deeper History" for Why This Conference is So Radically Un-Fashionable

This document presents a very Brief Summary of the much More Detailed Explanations presented in the First Four Documents web-linked Above.

Past Conference Video & Audio Recordings:

New people would do well to review the recordings of past conferences. Many shorter clips are available which address speci9fic issues of interest. All of t5hese are available thru the web-links here:

Why Our Conferences have been Split in-to Left-Wing & Right-Wing Factions:

As compared with almost every other Patriotic Conference presently existing, the leadership of this Conference, insists, basically, on maintaining Free & Open Discussions so that all propositions on the table can be fully explored with-out any censorship.
But, here-under, our previous Conferences have suffered serious Disruptions, from Philosophical & Ideological Conflicts, between men who have gravitated in-to Leadership Positions in our Conferences, & whom present controling leadership believes to be other-wise & basically good-hearted & well-intended.

Here-under; Common-Law & Biblical Torah-Law Tradition Prioritizes Keeping the Peace; & the Segregating of Communities in manners which Promotes this same Peace. The Twelve Tribes of Israel had their Separate Geographical & Ethnic Jurisdictions in this precise manner, & presumably & at least partially, for the same Peace Keeping Reasons. There were similar differences in the Religious & Ideological Beliefs of our Early American Settlers, & again similarly, this formed the Philosophical Basis for the Politically Sub-Dividing of our American Colonies into our separate States. Specifically, Maryland & Washington-D.C. were early on dominated by Roman-Catholics, while the New-England & most other States were Segregated as Protestants.

Here-under, & at least for the near future, our present leadership had deemed it Necessary to Segregate our Left Wing Community, from our Right Wing Community, & here-under, we are establishing Two Separate Conferences.

Further here-under, All Parties Please Note, that, If any Heated Ideological Conflicts might Erupt between our Right & Left Wing Factions, then, the Left-Wing or Right-Wing Faction to which That Conference is Focused on Consensus-Building For, Will Have the Final-Word in that discussion, & That Issue in debate will then be promptly Shut-Down.
This means, In our Saturday Left-Wing Consensus-Building Conferences, our Left Wing Leadership Will Have the Final Word; & in Monday-evening Right-Wing Consensus-Building Conferences, our Right Wing Leadership Will Have the Final Word.
This is how we Keep the Peace, under Organic Anglo/American Common-Law Tradition, as interpreted in the light of Biblical Torah-Law.

Explanation of Why Conferences are Less Frequent:

Most of our Past Conferences Had Been Scheduled approximately Weekly; how-ever, our leadership has come to realize, that, our Conferences were Not Making Meaningful Progress towards our Stated Goals, (largely due to becoming entangled in lengthy debates with patriots who had not done their home-work, but who insisted on their poorly-informed views being given equal-voice in our discussions).

Here-under; our leadership Needs More Time to Compose Documents & Videos Presenting & Explaining Information & Strategy for taking Calculated Risks, & thru which we may Safely but Effectively Confront the multitude of Corrupted Public-Servants who derive their color of authority & color of legitimacy for governing us thru their Roman-Empire-Modeled Municipal/Civil Slave-Traders Forms of Government.
These Documents are Necessary to be Composed, in order that a Foundation may properly be Laid, for, at the proper time, our Grass-Roots Activists, Exhausting the Path-Way of Peace, before we Move to Force a Shift From that Roman-Empire Slave-Traders Municipal/Civil Model of Government, & Over To our Biblical Torah-Law Based Anglo/American Common-Law Model of Government.

Regardless of the fact, that, these fundamental concepts have been described at length in the past by leadership, many of our basically good-hearted patriot conference members still refuse to embrace them. These basically good-hearted patriots seem entrenched in what amounts to simply Reducing the Symptoms that are causing dis-comfort among our American People, as opposed to Curing the Source of the Problem which is producing the multitude of symptoms under which we are all presently suffering. Leadership here considers that fixation to be similar to the passengers on the sinking of the historical ship named the Titanic, by simply re-arranging the chairs, so that the water is no longer an immediate threat to their present & short-term comfort-zone.

Here-under; present leadership had decided that More Pointed Documents need to be Composed, & that More Pointed Videos need to be Made, in order that the Dividing-Lines between the more Responsible Form of Self-Governing by Free-Men, is Clearly Divided from, the Franchised & Privileged Multitude of Chaotic & Confusing Forms of Governing of Slaves under the Roman-Empire Municipal/Civil Model of Government.

Also; Clarity of Thought & Focus is Immediately Promoted, when our Community has its Collective Consciousness Directed to Focus on a Specific Conflict, such as might be presented through a Criminal Complaint, which is scrupulously Worded in Conformity with Due Process of Law, aka the Rules of the Common-Law. Web-Links to Documents which well Illustrate this point, are here:

Here-under; this Conference Leadership expects soon to present More Well-Focused Documents & Videos, which will include More Direct Confrontation of the Evil Men in positions of Roman-Empire Modeled Municipal Governmental Power, & who are there-under are obviously & routinely seeking to Reduce Us All to Slavery, largely thru Maliciously & Conspiratorially Obstructing our Rights & Abilities to Form our Own Constitutionally Legitimate Responsibly Self-Governing Communities.

Seeking Improvement in Video-Conference-Hosting Community-Corporations & Computer-Programs:

We are looking for Alternative Conference Hosting Company to Zoom & perhaps also for FreeConferenceCall. Zoom is very aristocratic-corporate & profit-oriented, & it is composed of many people who are working very closely with the defacto roman-empire slave-trader municipal/civil conspirators who are habitually oppressing us, all very similar to Google & Facebook. Here-under, we are looking for more “Open-Source” Computer Programs & Supportive Community Organizations with our primary focus at this point being on the first of the following three Community Organizations & Computer Programs:


These programs have been suggested by one of my favorite Open-Source Computing Specialists,
who explains his reasoning for using these Alternative Conferencing Programs, in his 9-minute video, here:

People interested in assisting/helping in this transition towards more Open-Source Computing & Conferencing, are asked to contact my-self, Charles, at my email-addresses here:

Any such changes will be announced well in advance of the actual change-over.