Supreme Court of Law,

Co-Plaintiff & Juror Signature Page.

Regarding the accompanying

Quo-Warranto/Habeas-Corpus Class-Action/Treason Criminal-Complaint;

32-Pages, Dated: ___January, 2006.

            The undersigned Co-Plaintiffs & Jurors of the Supreme Court of Law for these united States of America; here-by solemnly affirm that we have sufficiently reviewed the accompanying Quo-Warranto/Habeas-Corpus Class-Action Criminal-Complaint; to come to the firm knowledge that all of the individual prisoners named there-in, have been placed in those prisons under circumstances which have arrogantly Disregarded their organic Rights to constitutionally-recognizable “Due Process of Law”. We further similarly know that here-under, these prisoners have the “Right” to have their cases reviewed for this very issue in a “Habeas-Corpus” proceeding; and correspondingly, the “Law” places a “Duty” on all federal employees, including supreme court judges; to immediately invoke these “Habeas Corpus” proceedings, in order to quicky and Lawfully investigate whether those judges have this Duty to Immediately render Judgement and Order commanding the Immediate Release of these prisoners.

1:        I, as the duly-elected pro-tem Chief Justice of the Peace for the “First Circuit Court of Law” for these united States of America, “New-England Circuit”; here-by solemnly affirm upon my own personal knowledge and honor, that all of the Prisoners indicated in the accompanying Quo-Warranto/

Habeas-Corpus Criminal-Complaint document, have the Right to be Set “Free”, Immediately.

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________;

Name Printed: ; DeJure/Land Address: ;

City: ; County: ; DeJure State: ;

Phone #: ; EMail: .

2:        I, as the duly-elected pro-tem Chief Justice of the Peace of the “Second Circuit Court of Law” for these united States of America, “East Circuit”; here-by solemnly affirm upon my own personal knowledge and honor, that all of the Prisoners indicated in the accompanying Quo-Warranto/ Habeas-Corpus Criminal-Complaint document, have the Right to be Set “Free”, Immediately.

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________;

Name Printed: ; DeJure/Land Address: ;

City: ; County: ; DeJure State: ;

Phone #: ; EMail: .

3:        I, as the duly-elected pro-tem Chief Justice of the Peace of the “Third Circuit Court of Law” for these united States of America, “Virginia/Carolina Circuit”; here-by solemnly affirm upon my own personal knowledge and honor, that all of the Prisoners indicated in the accompanying Quo-Warranto/Habeas-Corpus Criminal-Complaint, have the Right to be Set “Free”, Immediately.

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________;

Name Printed: ; DeJure/Land Address: ;

City: ; County: ; DeJure State: ;

Phone #: ; EMail: .


4:        I, as the duly-elected pro-tem Chief Justice of the Peace of the “Fourth Circuit Court of Law” for these united States of America, “Great-Lakes Circuit”; here-by solemnly affirm upon my own personal knowledge and honor, that all of the Prisoners indicated in the accompanying Quo-Warranto/ Habeas-Corpus Criminal-Complaint document, have the Right to be Set “Free”, Immediately.

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________;

Name Printed: ; DeJure/Land Address: ;

City: ; County: ; DeJure State: ;

Phone #: ; EMail: .

5:        I, as the duly-elected pro-tem Chief Justice of the Peace of the “Fifth Circuit Court of Law” for these united States of America, “South-East Circuit”; here-by solemnly affirm upon my own personal knowledge and honor, that all of the Prisoners indicated in the accompanying Quo-Warranto/ Habeas-Corpus Criminal-Complaint document, have the Right to be Set “Free”, Immediately.

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________;

Name Printed: ; DeJure/Land Address: ;

City: ; County: ; DeJure State: ;

Phone #: ; EMail: .

6:        I, as the duly-elected pro-tem Chief Justice of the Peace of the “Sixth Circuit Court of Law” for these united States of America, “Mississippi Circuit”; here-by solemnly affirm upon my own personal knowledge and honor, that all of the Prisoners indicated in the accompanying Quo-Warranto/ Habeas-Corpus Criminal-Complaint document, have the Right to be Set “Free”, Immediately.

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________;

Name Printed: ; DeJure/Land Address: ;

City: ; County: ; DeJure State: ;

Phone #: ; EMail: .

7:        I, as the duly-elected pro-tem Chief Justice of the Peace of the “Seventh Circuit Court of Law” for these united States of America, “Wisconsin/Illinois Circuit”; here-by solemnly affirm upon my own personal knowledge and honor, that all of the Prisoners indicated in the accompanying Quo-Warranto/ Habeas-Corpus Criminal-Complaint, have the Right to be Set “Free”, Immediately.

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________;

Name Printed: ; DeJure/Land Address: ;

City: ; County: ; DeJure State: ;

Phone #: ; EMail: .

8:        I, as the duly-elected pro-tem Chief Justice of the Peace of the “Eighth Circuit Court of Law” for these united States of America, “Central-Plains Circuit”; here-by solemnly affirm upon my own personal knowledge and honor, that all of the Prisoners indicated in the accompanying Quo-Warranto/ Habeas-Corpus Criminal-Complaint document, have the Right to be Set “Free”, Immediately.

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________;

Name Printed: ; DeJure/Land Address: ;

City: ; County: ; DeJure State: ;

Phone #: ; EMail: .

9:        I, as the duly-elected pro-tem Chief Justice of the Peace of the “Ninth Circuit Court of Law” for these united States of America, “Texas Circuit”; here-by solemnly affirm upon my own personal knowledge and honor, that all of the Prisoners indicated in the accompanying Quo-Warranto/ Habeas-Corpus Criminal-Complaint document, have the Right to be Set “Free”, Immediately.

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________;

Name Printed: ; DeJure/Land Address: ;

City: ; County: ; DeJure State: ;

Phone #: ; EMail: .

10:      I, as the duly-elected pro-tem Chief Justice of the Peace of the “Tenth Circuit Court of Law” for these united States of America, “South-West Circuit”; here-by solemnly affirm upon my own personal knowledge and honor, that all of the Prisoners indicated in the accompanying Quo-Warranto/ Habeas-Corpus Criminal-Complaint document, have the Right to be Set “Free”, Immediately.

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________;

Name Printed: ; DeJure/Land Address: ;

City: ; County: ; DeJure State: ;

Phone #: ; EMail: .

11:      I, as the duly-elected pro-tem Chief Justice of the Peace of the “Eleventh Circuit Court of Law” for these united States of America, “California Circuit”; here-by solemnly affirm upon my own personal knowledge and honor, that all of the Prisoners indicated in the accompanying Quo-Warranto/ Habeas-Corpus Criminal-Complaint, have the Right to be Set “Free”, Immediately.

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________;

Name Printed: ; DeJure/Land Address: ;

City: ; County: ; DeJure State: ;

Phone #: ; EMail: .

12:      I, as the duly-elected pro-tem Chief Justice of the Peace of the “Twelfth Circuit Court of Law” for these united States of America, “Pacific-NW Circuit”; here-by solemnly affirm upon my own personal knowledge and honor, that all of the Prisoners indicated in the accompanying Quo-Warranto/ Habeas-Corpus Criminal-Complaint, have the Right to be Set “Free”, Immediately.

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________;

Name Printed: ; DeJure/Land Address: ;

City: ; County: ; DeJure State: ;

Phone #: ; EMail: .

            (Maps of each of the above circuit court of law jurisdictions, are shown on our court’s web-page link, here: )